Every time you (or your kids) load a program, game, or file, your PC's software registery is updated with new instructions needed to operate that item. However, when the item is removed, these instructions usually remain on your PC. Every time you run your computer it tries to execute these instructions but, because the related program can't be found, it causes a registry error. Your PC is doing a lot more work than it should be and the result is a significantly slower computer.
Where do they come up with these things? It's like they copy pasted the reason for clearing the prefetch (disproven) but replaced prefetch with registry.
That kind of thing might happen with stupid uninstallers *cough* WindowsBlinds *cough*, but I'd be surprised if the performance loss is more than 1 ms...
As said before i do not bother with reg cleaners. Maybe if i uninstall an application. If i was to suggest a reg cleaner it would be registry mechanic.
I think ARO is far to over aggressive regardless of the editors review. How much did they even investigate? One clean? 100 cleans? who knows. Reg mechanic found 22 error's and reg mechanic does scan deep. ARO found 782.
Maybe it's showing off for a trial version? I again can not answer that as not investigated. Or can criticize an application i do not know any thing about.
But finding 700+ more error's then a very good piece of software raises deep concerns for me.
Oh and just noticed it installed ASK WHEN I UNCHECKED IT :@