Hi I was wondering if I can ask for some help

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if I can seek your help...

My computers memory, is just about full, I don't have a lot of programs installed and I guess it is from programes and information I have downloaded and deleted in the past, doesn't your computer keep all this in file?

I am not a computer wiz, and was wondering if there is a program (perferably free) that can delete all the unwanted memory and get my computer working at optimal efficentcy... I have found that my computer is getting slower and slower by the day....

I looked at this program Click here but it got some really bad reviews and I am affraid to use it, as I dont know what will happen...

I am using windows XP and an Asus Laptop, if that helps any

I hope you can help



... My computers memory, is just about full, I don't have a lot of programs installed and I guess it is from programes and information I have downloaded and deleted in the past, doesn't your computer keep all this in file? ...

Just to be sure I understand .. b when you say "memory", do you perhaps mean hard drive? If so, how big a hard drive do you have? Have you analyzed what is using it up?


Just to be sure I understand .. b when you say "memory", do you perhaps mean hard drive? If so, how big a hard drive do you have? Have you analyzed what is using it up?

Hi Glenn,

Thanks for your quick reply,

Yeah, I was talking about my hard drive, sorry I didnt mention that...

I have C: 21.25GB and D: 15 GB,

the C: is down to about 5% and I am having warnings poping up on my pc all the time... I dont think I have a lot of programs installed on my pc...

I am looking for a program (preferably free) that gets rid of all the crapy unwanted programs on your hard drive, and makes my pc run quicker and more efficently, I find it is getting slower each time I use it and have a lot of crashes...

i run CCleaner, Spybot search and distroy and CA regulary and they dont seem to find much fault with my pc...

cheers mate


21 GB is small but if you don't have much software, it should be adequate.

You shouldn't need a a program to uninstall programs. Use the Windows Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs to uninstall all unwanted programs. Be careful, don't uninstall anything unless you know what it is. If in doubt, post a question here and someone will help you.

What's on your D: drive? Is it just a partition on your main hard drive or is it a secondary hard drive? Consider moving data files to it or, if it's just a partition, consider reducing its size and expanding C:.

21 GB is small but if you don't have much software, it should be adequate.

You shouldn't need a a program to uninstall programs. Use the Windows Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs to uninstall all unwanted programs. Be careful, don't uninstall anything unless you know what it is. If in doubt, post a question here and someone will help you.

What's on your D: drive? Is it just a partition on your main hard drive or is it a secondary hard drive? Consider moving data files to it or, if it's just a partition, consider reducing its size and expanding C:.

Yeah it is a secondary hard drive, I do use the windows uninstall software, but it doesnt delete the whole thing there are always bits and pieces left

It would take a lot of programs to fill a 21G disk to within 5% of it's capacity. If you have a lot of data (documents, photos, videos, music etc) that could be what's filling it up. The hard disk will run much slower when full or near full, and if that's the case, it's time to transfer at least some of that data to a backup medium. (Disks, another hard drive, flash drive etc).

If it's from lots of programs installed, time to work out what you can do without. A lot of programs add themselves by default to the start menu also (start with windows) which means the computer will take a long time to fire up. If it's an older computer (and the hd size suggests it might be) running newer programs might be too much for it. Do you know what sort of processor and how much RAM it has?

You say you've deleted a lot of the programs. As mentioned above, "add/remove programs" using the uninstaller is the way to do it. Sometimes even then the program files remain in a folder taking up valuable space. If the program has been uninstalled, it is usually safe to delete these. (from c:/program files, NOT c:/windows. Nothing in Windows should be touched by the inexperienced.)

Often after uninstalling a lot of programs the registry becomes cluttered. CCleaner's registry cleaner (Issues) is safe to use. Set it to make a backup (it does by default) and note where the backup is kept. (In the unlikely event you need it.)

What's in the text of the warnings you are getting?