Hey everyone - long time no talk to. I'm still around and kicking - just been super busy. I finished college spring of 2012 and have been working just over a year doing tech support for a company. How is everyone?
We're fine
It's really good to hear from you again and we look forward to your tech support here now !!
OK here, glad you're back in the swing of things. Congrats on graduation and your new job.
We all know that college and job thing is just a ploy and that the alien abductors finally brought you back to Earth.
On a serious note: Welcome back!
Nice to hear from you! \o/
Great to hear from you guys - I've definitely learned a lot in the year I've been here and from what I've picked up as well. I've been running all 4 programs as well, and Agomo looks really interesting.
Welcome back CT, and congrats on finishing college and getting into that tech job.
EDIT: Well done also on being "not dead". That's always good to hear.
EDIT: Well done also on being "not dead".
That reminds me of a movie I once watched where some guy said he was dead, then someone said what happened, and then he replied "I got better."