So what do i do after ive downloaded the rar, and extracted it to my desktop in a folder?
MVPS Host File
So what do i do after ive downloaded the rar, and extracted it to my desktop in a folder?
MVPS Host File
You should have a batch file right? Just click it and it will put it in the needed location.
Then download this:
Click it and it will set the dns service to manual so it wont slow your computer down.
Thats it. Now you shouldn't see ads in any browser(well probably not a big deal for firefox) but now you wont see them in IE or opera. It also will prevent numerous other things.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC and right click the host file and choose properties. Then check read only and then ok.
ok, nothing to click on the link.
but i clicked on the batch file in the folder that extracted from the Hosts rar.
weird. now when i hit start, my menu is all black, but when i scroll over it i can see everything. hmmmm
You have to right click>save as to get that file to download. (sorry should have mentioned that.
Is your start menu still messed up? Try changing to another theme or disabling any theme software you have running. Then turn it back on.
ok so how do i change themes? im not even sure where to start. oh and i changed the dns thing manually in msconfig.
Right Click your desktop>properties>themes> Choose something opposite of what you have now.(if you have windows xp selected try windows classic.) Its just to refresh and see if you can see your start menu. If it works change it back to whatever you were using.
lol! oh you just meant to change my desktop background?! ok, i tried it, but it didnt work. hmmmmmm.
No, he meant change the theme itself.
When you see the box below, click the themes tab, then click the downwards pointing arrow next to your selected theme, choose another theme, see if you can see your start menu, then if you can see it, change it back to your normal theme and hopefully all will be good.
nope. didnt fix it. hmmmmmm. wonder whats up.
Are you using any software like windows blinds? Just try rebooting the computer.
no im not using anything like that. and i tried compacting the registry, ccleaner, defraged, spyware/virus cleaning and rebooted three times.
none of that worked, but now its ok.......hmmmmm
What the hell? I don't see how the host file could cause this. Hmm...
Can you post a screenshot of your start menu?
What the hell? I don't see how the host file could cause this. Hmm...
Can you post a screenshot of your start menu?
i tried to, but every time i started to get a shot, the start menu closes on me.......
but its all working now so what the heck! lol! sometimes just ignore a problem and it goes away.........
if only that were true.
Anyway I'm glad its fixed? I guess... I'm still puzzled on what could have caused it in the first place though.
From now on when somethings broke I'm going to ignore it and hope it goes away.
From now on when somethings broke I'm going to ignore it and hope it goes away.
Unless its your leg of course, in which case seeing a doctor is probably a slightly better course of action