
complete computer novice using netgear wireless adapter on xp laptop. all of a sudden computer no longer recognizes adapter and netgear told me to unistall and reinstall the software for the adapter.. uninstall does not work and freezes saying it is missing a en exe file... netgear then told me to remove adapter software from registry or us ccleaner to remove it and then reboot and reinstall. I am at a complete loss as to how to do this and would appreciate some guidance from someone who might be able to figure out this problem. . as i am over 75 it all mystifies me and any assistance would be appreciated.. ira

click on start-control panel-system-hardware-device manager-network adapters,,,click on it "see you adapter"...right click-uninstall...

reboot laptop,,HAVE the driver -software for netgear ready...laptop will need it to install drivers...

now check if you have connectioin