
Hey i just was trying to add some videos to windows media center when i added some wrong files. So i decided to get ride of them so I right clicked it and said delete. I soon found out i was not just deleting them form just media center but from my computer!!

So i lost about 1/4 of my music and i don't know how to get it back!!

It was all on my secound hard drive. I did create a registery copy last night but would it help plz help!!!

so they're permenantly deleted?

if that's the case, then there's no way to get them back. even if you made a backup of your registry, that doesnt do anything.

You may be able to recover the deleted files using recovery software such as Restoration 2.5.14 (free at various download sites). Until you run the recovery software, don't do anything that might overwrite the freespace on that drive.

Ok i tried that prgram and seemed to be working so i was copying the files, but when i looked into them there was no music just empty files...

How do i mkae it get the music back also


I found something that worked.

I decided to just get a prgram that could allow me to copy music from my ipod to my PC, all my music is right there so i can just use that!

Thanks for all your help any way