how come the forums background is all white.
is anyone eles white.
how come the forums background is all white.
is anyone eles white.
Not sure what you are talking about maybe post a screenshot?
Don't use CCleaner while Firefox is open [or disable CCleaner's Firefox cache cleaning]. Firefox: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cache > Clear.
Don't use CCleaner while Firefox is open [or disable CCleaner's Firefox cache cleaning]. Firefox: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cache > Clear.
I don't get it is that in response to why the forum is all white?
I hate to seem dumb and or rude(Sorry if i am either) but that don't make sense. He is asking why the forum is all white and your answer is talking about firefox's cache or is the reason he is seeing the forum in all white is because of hes cache?
Again sorry to seem rude and or dumb did not mean any offence by it.
We get this a lot - people post about CCleaner's forum [or any other site] losing all of its formatting, but still being accessible [it's all white]... usually this is because they ran CCleaner while Firefox is open, which corrupts Firefox's cache. Clearing Firefox's cache always solves the problem. My post was really a total assumption, but I'm pretty sure that it's going to solve the issue.
We get this a lot - people post about CCleaner's forum [or any other site] losing all of its formatting, but still being accessible [it's all white]... usually this is because they ran CCleaner while Firefox is open, which corrupts Firefox's cache. Clearing Firefox's cache always solves the problem. My post was really a total assumption, but I'm pretty sure that it's going to solve the issue.
Same white background for me (only Firefox, IE OK) since installing new version CCleaner yesterday. Tried clearing Firefox cache as you suggested, DjLizard. No change. At the same time, although Firefox comes up as default browser it is "jumped" by IE, if you know what I mean. This all when clicking bottom left CCleaner. Help? Thanks if you can!
Did you try closing all browsers and re-running CCleaner?
Just did that, Tarun, but no change! Thanks for reply!
About the "jump" as you described it:
Go into Internet Explorer (Start, Run, IEXPLORE). Tools>Internet Options. Programs tab, Reset Web Settings.. yes. Tell IE to check whether it's the default browser. Close IE. Re-open IE. IE may ask you if IE can be the default browser. Uncheck the box that says 'always perform this check', but answer YES, so IE is now the default browser. Close IE. Open Firefox, go into FF's options, and set FF as the default browser. CCleaner's URLs should take you to Firefox instead of IE now.
About messed up sites:
Dunno. Sounds pretty screwed. Try firefox -safe-mode and firefox -profilemanager (see also )
Tried going into IE tools proceedure then closed. On reopening no question re default browser appears. Open firefox, check for default browser, close, go to CCleaner - same thing - IE and Firefox come up. I can live with this and forum format is no big deal (I can use IE if I want the works! ) It's a good feeling though, when everything runs as expected
Incidentally I changed my default browser to Firefox, carrying out your instructions to another poster recently, and all was fine until the new CCl. install
But so what? I'll try your suggestions re safe mode and profile manager,etc sometime - don't hold your breath!!!!
hi, started up the forums,but it is white again.
glad im not the only one.
thought i might have spyware or something.
DjLizard, my last post didn't express thanks to you for coming forward with suggestions. Perhaps I sounded dismissive? Not my intent at all! You're always very helpful to those of us who are so inadequate around computers - thanks again! Best wishes!
It's odd because you are now both saying that it's white here and running CCleaner and cleaning Firefox's cache DIDN'T help?
Do either of you use Firefox Preloader?
Try control+f5, or control+clicking on the refresh button, as well.
We get this a lot - people post about CCleaner's forum [or any other site] losing all of its formatting, but still being accessible [it's all white]... usually this is because they ran CCleaner while Firefox is open, which corrupts Firefox's cache. Clearing Firefox's cache always solves the problem. My post was really a total assumption, but I'm pretty sure that it's going to solve the issue.
OK thanks for the explanation DjLizard
DjLizard, no Firefox Preloader here. I'll try all your suggestions within a day or two. My wife's PC has no problem and I installed 1.21.130 in the same manner, so it's some tricky little thing somewhere in mine. To state the obvious! Thanks! Edit/brainwave: I'm going to check that settings match up on both PC's - maybe find something?
DjLizard, I stopped IE asserting itself over the designated default browser, Firefox, by going into IE Tools and just unchecking "IE should check whether default browser" in Options>Programs. Now let's see about the dreaded "whiteout."
greenuser is this what your talking about?
Yes sir, Mr. rridgely!