Help with "Wipe Free Space", I have no longer free hard disk space

Hi all

I apologize if the question has already been solved, but I have no much competence to read all previuos topics. :(

I was trying for the first time the function "Wipe Free Space" of CCleaner using the method of 35 passes. Unfortunately, the process blocked my notebook, so I decided to stop it killing CCleaner process through windows task manager. After a reboot, I noticed that my hard disk passed from 60 GB of available space to only 1 GB! What's happen? How could I recover all my free space?

Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to give me a help.

G. E.


- Try the following: rerun CC with same option but now with only a single pass. Shouldn't take too long (only 1 GB right ?). Let the program run until it's finished (don't do anything else).

Report back if this helped. Windows has a number of "tricks" up its sleeve that could help you to regain that memory this way.

why do you use it? I only read about problems with it...


- Try the following: rerun CC with same option but now with only a single pass. Shouldn't take too long (only 1 GB right ?). Let the program run until it's finished (don't do anything else).

Report back if this helped. Windows has a number of "tricks" up its sleeve that could help you to regain that memory this way.

I tried with your suggestion and I solved.

Thanks a lot. :)