After last update, Speccy has been telling me that my CPU (AMD FX-6100) temperature has been fluctuating by 30 degrees.
The CPU starts out at the same temperature as everything else when Speccy first starts and then rapdily drops down to 49F and bounces back and forth to 79F.
RAM, motherbaord, graphics, and storage all remain at an even temperature, 79 degrees.
I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem before. Should I be worried about my processor? All help would be appreciated, but please keep it "for dummies" ![;)]()
You can also check your temperatures with HWMonitor to make a comparison:
Norton tag it with three viruses blocking the file first. then stops it from being installed.
So i’ll let norton win this one and i will try a different temperature monitoring program.
Thanks TheAslan for the idea.
Hi, madoldfart69.
Try HWiNFO, its free, needs no installation (portable) it might provide a comparison.
Edit: HWiNFO didn't trigger any warnings from Avast.
Download here:
Near the bottom of the page is a blue box for downloading the portable version, 32 or 64 bit:
Put it in the folder of your choice, unzip it, click the exe, tick the box for Sensors Only.
If it wants to check for updates you can skip that. I have not tried the new beta version, so I did.
At the bottom of the window that opens is a little gear icon that will let you change the readout from Celcius to Fahrenheit if you wish.
Also you can change most of the settings if you like to experiment. I did, no harm done here. ![:)]()