Help With Recovery

My External Hard Drive became corrupt and unreadable.

I scanned it with Recuva and it found everything that is on my hard drive that was not accessible.

So usually I assume what you do is hit the recover... button and select a place to send all the files.

I would like to send everything to said hard drive that was corrupt.

My question is does anyone know if I format my hard drive (which will restore it/wipe it)...

and I keep Recuva open will I be able to send the files to the hard drive?

Let me know if there's any information I left out that will help solve this.



Never format or quick format a drive because this could wipe data belonging to lost files.

As for saving files to the same drive you're recovering from this is bad practice because recovered files could corrupt other lost files.

Given the fact that Recuva can see lost files would seem to suggest the partition table is still intact.

It's quite possible running: chkdsk.exe /f e: (assume e: is your external drive) would correct your access problems.

If not then perhaps TestDisk maybe more successful at patching up the file system.

Richard S.