Thought I'd help my girlfriends computer by running CCleaner. It dutifully cleaned all the recently type URLS and cookies which I've come to learn are the cornerstone of her computing life. All the logon info and user/pass for various webs sites was lost.
Please, can anyone help me recover these files so they work in MSexplorer again? The system is WinXp Pro SP2.
You could try running Recuva before these files are overwritten.
Thanks, I tried REcuva and it found 8000+ files and about 50 were cookies. I recovered the cookies but how do I restore them to working with MSexplorer. It saved the cookies as .txt files. Also, where in Recuva would I find the recently type URLs and how do I get them back into MSexplorer?
You may be able to recover cookies, as they are easily recognised and presumably go back into Doc and Settings/username/Cookies. They should contain userid/password info. Recently typed urls may be a different kettle of fish. I think they are held in the index.dat file in Doc and Settings/username/Local Settings/History/History IE5/ and ditto/MSHistnnnnnn/ (if you're using IE). These index files will have been recreated by Windows so you won't be able to restore over them or modify them at all. To be honest it's better to type the things in again as and when they're needed.
I've given up trying to impress girlfriends. They are soooo ungrateful.
PS Just read your reply. Cookies are text files, and can have a txt file extension. Where did you restore them to?
PPS I've never recovered a cookie, so there may be more to it than just restoring the text file. Maybe there's something kept in the index.dat files, in which case you're snookered.
PPS I've never recovered a cookie, so there may be more to it than just restoring the text file. Maybe there's something kept in the index.dat files, in which case you're snookered.
Augeas thanks for the reply.
So there is no replacing the index.dat files? It says the index.dat file is in use etc. and can't be deleted/replaced. I was able to recover an older index.dat and was hoping the urls were in there. Safe mode maybe?
Note to self; READ before CLICKING. <bangs head on desk>
It saved the cookies as .txt files. Also, where in Recuva would I find the recently type URLs and how do I get them back into MSexplorer?
Cookies are text files. You won't get back your recently typed URL's those are stored in the registry. Unless you do a System Restore to a date before you first used CCleaner.
So there is no replacing the index.dat files? It says the index.dat file is in use etc. and can't be deleted/replaced. I was able to recover an older index.dat and was hoping the urls were in there. Safe mode maybe?
Note to self; READ before CLICKING. <bangs head on desk>
HEY don't beat yourself up yet. You got work to do.
This link to Humpty Post may help find some of those passwords
Just download run and Click on SECRETS IN LIST ON LEFT SIDE OF WINDOW THEN WAIT> if I think of anything else I'll be back.