Help with new Folder WIldcard Feature

Hello Guys,

I tried doing some searching about the forums and through the Winapp2.ini thread, but I didn't find anything too relevant (or I'm just doing it wrong) to my issue at hand.

I got quite excited to see the new feature in place and was all ready to use it when I realized... I had no idea how to use it.

I have folders that generate when I use a program which fills with miscellaneous information becoming obsolete after the day is done. The folders themselves are named with a time stamp; so for example... c:\program files\summit\ mt everest\20110805_12_32AM.

These files vary by nature, making it difficult to have all inclusive lists. The folders and the data they contain need to be deleted; and I would simply change their destination path to another subfolder if I could (c:\program files\summit\ mt everest\DEL\20110805_12_32AM) but this is not doable. I also cannot simply clear the mt everest folder out itself as that does still contain data required.

Is there a way to now include these varying changes?

I've tried adding to my .ini file the following:

FileKey1=%Program Files%\Summit\Mt Everest\201*|RECURSE

The idea was to have CCleaner delete any folders and their contents which begin with the "201" name.

I don't think I completely understand though what else I need to do. I'm not a scripting guy by nature. I know in some instances the '*' wildcard needs to be replaced with '%' but this produces no results either.

If anyone could help me out, I would be greatly appreciative!

To delete folders and their contents, format it like this

FileKey1=%Program Files%\Summit\Mt Everest\201*|*.*|REMOVESELF

Thanks so much for the super fast reply!

I gave it a shot but it didn't seem to work. Is there an addition I need to include? (Such as is used in your winapp2.ini file)


[Anki Backups*]

When I input the string you provided, I had checked the inclusion file list in CCleaner and nothing was present. I ran it anyway and the folders remain.

Any thoughts on where I'm going wrong?

Oh! Whoops! That should be

FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Summit\Mt Everest\201*|*.*|REMOVESELF

%ProgramFiles%\ points to C:\Program Files\ and/or C:\Program Files(x86)\

%Program Files%\ points no where. That's why it wont work :)

Thanks again!

I do have bad new though, this does not wish to work either.

Also, I should have picked up on that space too, easy mistake.

I tried doing the following

Include1=PATH|%ProgramFiles%\Summit\Mt Everest\201*|*.*|REMOVESELF

However, the program is seeing "201*" as an actual folder name. I tried the '%' wildcard (so ..\201%|*.*), but didn't take either.

Any thoughts here? It seems to refuse accepting any wildcards for the folder name.

I'm going to try without the file wildcard extension and see what happens. <--- Did not work

Again, your help on this is hugely appreciated!

Using this code






in winapp2.ini

and these folders in C:\Program Files\Testin






each folder containing 'New Bitmap Image.bmp'

Analyze in CCleaner returned

ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (0.091 secs)
0 bytes to be removed. (Approximate size)

Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)

Test - Test* 0 KB 4 files

C:\Program Files\Testin\2000\New Bitmap Image.bmp 0 KB
C:\Program Files\Testin\2012\New Bitmap Image.bmp 0 KB
C:\Program Files\Testin\2013\New Bitmap Image.bmp 0 KB
C:\Program Files\Testin\2102\New Bitmap Image.bmp 0 KB

I also don't think INCLUDE paths allow for Env Vars (%ProgramFiles%\) so you may wish to use a winapp2.ini entry instead.

I know in some instances the '*' wildcard needs to be replaced with '%'


The % usually comes with a companion surrounding an environment variable, e.g.


The only wildcard detail I have seen is in the 3.09 announcement which includes

Include1=PATH|%AppData%\*\|*.txt|RECURSE or FileKey1=%AppData%\?*e|*.txt|RECURSE

The only wild cards I see are '?' and '*'

So far as CMD.EXE and and Windows are concerned,

the '?' denotes a single undefined character,

and '*' denotes an undefined length of undefined characters.

?* could be a typo.

I also don't think INCLUDE paths allow for Env Vars (%ProgramFiles%\) so you may wish to use a winapp2.ini entry instead.

Oh yes you can ! !

My CCleaner.INI file is successful with both XP and Windows 7 using

Include1=PATH|%APPDATA%\Adobe\Flash Player\AssetCache\|*.*|RECURSE
Include2=PATH|%APPDATA%\Macromedia\Flash Player\|*.*|RECURSE

I will admit you have to edit this into CCleaner.ini,

you cannot set this via the GUI on versions before 3.09,

and I do not know about how 3.09 works.

My role model is the penguin that lets his friends have first go at the fish,

and only jumps off the cliff and into the sea when it is clear they are safe from seals and sea lions ! !

I just wanted to make note that I resolved this.

As it turns out, I had a massive failure for reading comprehension. I tried adding this inclusion rule into the actual ccleaner.ini file instead of either creating my own or inputting it as a custom into the winapp2.ini file.

All is well, and it works! thanks again.

No problem :) Glad you got everything sorted.