I tried doing some searching about the forums and through the Winapp2.ini thread, but I didn't find anything too relevant (or I'm just doing it wrong) to my issue at hand.
I got quite excited to see the new feature in place and was all ready to use it when I realized... I had no idea how to use it.
I have folders that generate when I use a program which fills with miscellaneous information becoming obsolete after the day is done. The folders themselves are named with a time stamp; so for example... c:\program files\summit\ mt everest\20110805_12_32AM.
These files vary by nature, making it difficult to have all inclusive lists. The folders and the data they contain need to be deleted; and I would simply change their destination path to another subfolder if I could (c:\program files\summit\ mt everest\DEL\20110805_12_32AM) but this is not doable. I also cannot simply clear the mt everest folder out itself as that does still contain data required.
Is there a way to now include these varying changes?
The idea was to have CCleaner delete any folders and their contents which begin with the "201" name.
I don't think I completely understand though what else I need to do. I'm not a scripting guy by nature. I know in some instances the '*' wildcard needs to be replaced with '%' but this produces no results either.
If anyone could help me out, I would be greatly appreciative!
When I input the string you provided, I had checked the inclusion file list in CCleaner and nothing was present. I ran it anyway and the folders remain.
As it turns out, I had a massive failure for reading comprehension. I tried adding this inclusion rule into the actual ccleaner.ini file instead of either creating my own or inputting it as a custom into the winapp2.ini file.