HELP with keeping password info

just installed CCleaner and would like to know if anyone knows how to keep certain info from getting deleted - i.e. passwords and log on info to sites (email and game sites).

If u answer, write me as if i'm an idiot with computers. i know alittle but not alot.


Take care


Welcome wickedshamrock

In CCleaner click on Options then Cookies then select a cookies in Cookies to Delete then click on -> to move it into Cookies to Keep.

Please read:

Welcome wickedshamrock

In CCleaner click on Options then Cookies then select a cookies in Cookies to Delete then click on -> to move it into Cookies to Keep.

Please read:

Thank you!

Welcome wickedshamrock

In CCleaner click on Options then Cookies then select a cookies in Cookies to Delete then click on -> to move it into Cookies to Keep.

Please read:

I have the same problem as wickedshamrock... even though I've re-entered all my passwords (Google, eBay, MSN, Facebook etc) and selected 'remember my details on this computer'. Every time I close a site and try to re-open it, I have to re-enter my details.

I've also tried using my Control Panel/Internet Options/Privacy/Advanced to override automatic cookie handling & accepted both first and third party cookies and session cookies.

When I try your solution:

(go into CCleaner click on Options then Cookies then select a cookies in Cookies to Delete then click on -> to move it into Cookies to Keep) ...

the sites I want to keep aren't in the list (even though I've just visited them) so I can't select them or move them into the 'Cookies to keep' list.

Am I doing something really stupid? (My knowledge is extremely limited so probably!) ... but any help would be much appreciated. It's driving me mad!

Hi seagul, and welcome to the forum.

This same question keeps appearing. It's possible the cookies you are looking for are flash cookies, or "settings.sol" files and are slightly different to normal text cookies.

They normally reside in one or both of the following locations, and usually contain log-on and settings details.

C:\Documents and Settings\< username >\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\EJR7ZWV7

C:\Documents and Settings\< username >\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\support\flashplayer\sys

As an example, you can find flash cookies here from Yahoo, Daily Motion, YouTube, The BBC, etc etc.

Any relevant cookies can be placed in CCleaner > Options > Exclude > Add File/Add Folder.

The post from DennisD is right on the money.

For my brother, I opted to uncheck Adobe Flash Player from being cleaned.

Cleaner>Applications>Multimedia>Adobe Flash Player.

He keeps adding flash cookie passwords and needs help to exclude them.

Hi seagul, and welcome to the forum.

This same question keeps appearing. It's possible the cookies you are looking for are flash cookies, or "settings.sol" files and are slightly different to normal text cookies.

They normally reside in one or both of the following locations, and usually contain log-on and settings details.

C:\Documents and Settings\< username >\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\EJR7ZWV7

C:\Documents and Settings\< username >\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\support\flashplayer\sys

As an example, you can find flash cookies here from Yahoo, Daily Motion, YouTube, The BBC, etc etc.

Any relevant cookies can be placed in CCleaner > Options > Exclude > Add File/Add Folder.

Hi DennisD & many thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have worked.

The first location, which I tried, led me to SharedObjects\DCXLMRCP (no EJR7ZWV7 to be found!) but the folder was empty.

The second location (ending flasplayer\sys) had a folder called settings.sol, which I was unable to open, however I placed this folder in CCleaner > Options > Exclude > Add File/Add Folder

I also unchecked Adobe Flash Player as suggested by Jamin4U.

I then re-started my computer (just incase this would make a difference!) ... but no change

My other problem, which I forgot to mention in my last post, is that nothing is being saved in my 'history' even though I've elected to keep pages in my history for 2 days.

If you've any other suggestions (or if I've made a mistake in carrying out your previous instructions) I'd be very happy to try again!

Hi DennisD & many thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have worked.
NOT GOOD davey

The first location, which I tried, led me to SharedObjects\DCXLMRCP (no EJR7ZWV7 to be found!) but the folder was empty.

That is the correct location but the last part of the file name will always be different per user. This is something that Dennis normally tells all users. I learned this from his posts. NOT GOOD that the folder was empty but indicative of the problem still occurring. davey

The second location (ending flasplayer\sys) had a folder called settings.sol, which I was unable to open, however I placed this folder in CCleaner > Options > Exclude > Add File/Add Folder GOOD

I also unchecked Adobe Flash Player as suggested by Jamin4U. GOOD davey

I then re-started my computer (just incase this would make a difference!) ... but no change GOOD davey

My other problem, which I forgot to mention in my last post, is that nothing is being saved in my 'history' even though I've elected to keep pages in my history for 2 days.

This is NOT GOOD NEWS davey

If you've any other suggestions (or if I've made a mistake in carrying out your previous instructions) I'd be very happy to try again!

Hi Seagull,

We are going to need some more information.

The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?

Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?

Did you do any Registry issues fixing?

Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?

Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?

Are you running with Administrator privileges.

CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any?

OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?

Browsers and ver.?

Do they work properly?

Security software and ver?

Do you have IE7Pro IE7 add on?

Do you use SpywareBlaster ?

Other data you think might be relevant?

What did you do and then what happened? SEE ABOVE POSTS

Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)

Are you using a winapp2.ini file?

Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".

Just to fill you in on the "History" file problem see this link. We are still trying to figure out what is happening to cause this. You are the third user to report such strange behavior.

Best wishes and we need your information ASAP,

:) davey

The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information. CCleaner Beginner's

Bookmark & save to Favorites

See this link for my first advice to brand new users of CCleaner.

That is the correct location but the last part of the file name will always be different per user.

The second location (ending flasplayer\sys) had a folder called settings.sol, which I was unable to open, however I placed this folder in CCleaner > Options > Exclude > Add File/Add Folder GOOD[/b}

I also unchecked Adobe Flash Player as suggested by Jamin4U. GOOD[/b}

I then re-started my computer (just incase this would make a difference!) ... but no change GOOD[/b}

My other problem, which I forgot to mention in my last post, is that nothing is being saved in my 'history' even though I've elected to keep pages in my history for 2 days.

This is NOT GOOD[/b}

If you've any other suggestions (or if I've made a mistake in carrying out your previous instructions) I'd be very happy to try again!

Hi Seagull,

We are going to need more information.

The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?

Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?

Did you do any Registry issues fixing?

Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?

Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?

Are you running with Administrator privileges.

CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any?

OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?

Browsers and ver.?

Security software and ver?

Other data you think might be relevant?

What did you do and then what happened? SEE ABOVE POSTS

Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)

Are you using a winapp2.ini file?

Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".

Best wishes,

:) davey

The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information. CCleaner Beginner's

Bookmark & save to Favorites

See this link for my first advice to brand new users of CCleaner.

Just to fill you in about the "History" file not working see this link.

The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?

Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?

Did you do any Registry issues fixing?

Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?

Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?

Are you running with Administrator privileges.

CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any?

OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?

Browsers and ver.?

Security software and ver?

Other data you think might be relevant?

What did you do and then what happened?

Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)

Are you using a winapp2.ini file?

Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".

Just to fill you in on the "History" file problem see this link. We are still trying to figure out what is happening to cause this. You are the third user to report such strange behavior.

Best wishes and we need your information ASAP,

:) davey

The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information. CCleaner Beginner's

Bookmark & save to Favorites

See this link for my first advice to brand new users of CCleaner.

Thanks for taking your time to make a report.:)

Hi Davey

Thanks so much for that comprehensive reply ... but I think I've cracked it!! (More by accident than design given my level of knowledge about computers, but I thought I'd report back incase it helps anyone else!)

After my last post, I was scouring the forums for a solution & tried several that didn't work.

I had just done the following:

Internet Options > Advanced > Restore custom settings>OK

Then I noticed the sentence (in another post);

The problem you are having is not caused by CCleaner.

It is something that occurred on or about the same day.

... and had an 'AH HA!' moment.

(I'm not 100% sure if this would have worked on its own or if it was a combination of the two, which is why I'm including both)

I remembered that just after I installed CCleaner, in an attempt to resolve other problems I was having with my pc, I also installed 'Spyware Doctor'.

So.... I went to that programme & disabled all it's functions. Then I re-booted my computer.


My history has reappeared

My temporary internet files (which were also missing) have reappeared

My cookies are showing in the CCleaner 'cookie to delete / cookies to keep' list

My computer is storing cookies / passwords etc when instructed to do so (previously they were disappearing every time I closed a site, so that I had to keep re-entering them)

I'm thinking that either there was a conflict between the two programmes or that I was attributing problems caused by the Spyware programme to CCleaner. I don't know enough about computer programmes to determine which...

Anyway ... it worked for me so if anyone with similar problems has spyware protection installed it might be worth checking if there's a link.

I'm SO happy!! :lol:

Thanks again!

Hi Davey

Thanks so much for that comprehensive reply ... but I think I've cracked it!! (More by accident than design given my level of knowledge about computers, but I thought I'd report back incase it helps anyone else!)

After my last post, I was scouring the forums for a solution & tried several that didn't work.

I had just done the following:

Internet Options > Advanced > Restore custom settings>OK

Then I noticed the sentence (in another post);

The problem you are having is not caused by CCleaner.

It is something that occurred on or about the same day.

... and had an 'AH HA!' moment.

(I'm not 100% sure if this would have worked on its own or if it was a combination of the two, which is why I'm including both)

I remembered that just after I installed CCleaner, in an attempt to resolve other problems I was having with my pc, I also installed 'Spyware Doctor'.

So.... I went to that programme & disabled all it's functions. Then I re-booted my computer.


My history has reappeared

My temporary internet files (which were also missing) have reappeared

My cookies are showing in the CCleaner 'cookie to delete / cookies to keep' list

My computer is storing cookies / passwords etc when instructed to do so (previously they were disappearing every time I closed a site, so that I had to keep re-entering them)

I'm thinking that either there was a conflict between the two programmes or that I was attributing problems caused by the Spyware programme to CCleaner. I don't know enough about computer programmes to determine which...

Anyway ... it worked for me so if anyone with similar problems has spyware protection installed it might be worth checking if there's a link.

I'm SO happy!! :lol:

Thanks again!

Hey Bingo I mean Seagull.

I am so happy also. You saw that thread and it stirred your thought processes.

This is great news !!! Now if the others use Spyware Doctor etc.


Please check your PM and this thread over the next couple days. Sometimes the E-Mail doesn't work or it gets put into junk mail or Spam mail.

You are the kind of member we can always use.

:) davey

P.S. All the other members who help on these forums always get a big Reward for all their efforts .

They try so hard as they can to help resolve other members problems or contribute in their own way to answer questions. This is good news for all.