Help with Flash

I've been getting this error lately on some sites that contain Flash:


I currently have Flash version 10 Beta 2 installed, but I was getting the same error with the latest stable release of version 9. This is a new problem as sites that now cause this error, never did before. Other Flash sites work fine however, like for example. Having uninstalled and reinstalled Flash and tried multiple versions, I'm at a loss at this point. I'm hoping some of the very knowledgeable folks here will be able to help me out. Thanks!

System: Windows 2000 SP4, IE 6 engine, using Maxthon browser

Windows 2000 is approaching the fate of the Dinosaurs so when things do work on it be happy but when things don't work on it then give up on computers and check out TV for the latest episodes of The Simpsons or maybe watch a good movie:

Thanks, but that's it? I'm just SOL? Windows 2000 still has two more years of extended support...I would think basic apps like Flash would continue to work fine. I've had no problems at all on my Athlon 64 X2 with XP machine, but still. I was hoping for some sort of fix, but I guess I just won't be able to visit some sites on this machine.

It could very easily be that site which has an error in it's code, especially if Flash works on other sites perfectly fine.

Referring to post 2, maybe a Maxthon related error?

A cure?

How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control

Due to recent enhancements to the Adobe Flash Player installers, you can now remove the player only by using the Adobe Flash Player uninstaller. To remove Flash Player, simply download and run the appropriate uninstaller for your system using the steps below.

Get the latest Flash Player:

Check for older vulnerable versions:

I've tried both methods of uninstalling. First I tried the built-in uninstaller in Control Panel, and then the Adobe uninstaller app you linked to. Still no luck. I will try the software inspector, but I just can't figure out why all of a sudden I am getting this error, when I never did before. Nothing has changed on this system that I am aware of.

The error I posted in my first post does not occur in regular IE, but in both Maxthon and IE, I get the "xxxxx program has generated errors will need to be closed" error.

The error I posted in my first post does not occur in regular IE, but in both Maxthon and IE, I get the "xxxxx program has generated errors will need to be closed" error.

Doctor, it hurts when I do this

Good to see the Answers so far :)