Help with CCleaner Portable.

I do have the most current CCleaner (desktop version).

I downloaded the Portable version but get an error msg-

"CCleaner seems to be installed on your computer..."

Under the Portable Settings I do not see a "NoApp" setting.

So, Uninstall the desktop version?


welcome to the forums seth :D

you do not need the portable if you have the basic version on your PC.

the portable is to be stored on a flash drive or cd to be run on computers that you cant necessarily install it on.

i would say keep it installed on your computer because it has been tested more.

the portable version isnt official and has only been tested by members around on the forum.

hope this will clarify :)


thanks - I have been looking for such a cleaner that could be used off a USB drive as would prefer it on that versus a PC. Especially when helping out friends who do not have such a cleaner already on their PC.

glad i could be of some help.

on a side note: this isnt just a site about discussion for Ccleaner so feel free to stick around and ask questions about anything or even help others out with problems of their own! :D