Me being the noob that I am fiddled around with the registry thingy and now Windows Explorer crashes periodically!
What I did was I tried fixing all the issues detected by CCleaner, although I did save a backup .reg file in My Documents. Windows Explorer crashed afterward.
I immediately rebooted my PC and tried to restore everything. Panicking at the time, what I did was I double clicked on the .reg file and clicked 'Yes' to the pop-up, instead of right-clicking on the .reg file and clicking 'Merge'. Thinking that everything is back to normal, I deleted the .reg file (Stupid I know.. x_x)
EDIT: I've just noticed that Windows Explorer only crashes whenever I close a folder or My Computer. Any ideas into what my problem could be? ._.
EDIT2: I think I just remedied the problem by following the steps on this page hxxp://
Now I would just like to know if I really did backup my registry when I double clicked on that .reg file? Or will there still be more errors to come? x_x