Help! Windows Explorer crashing periodically!

Me being the noob that I am fiddled around with the registry thingy and now Windows Explorer crashes periodically!

What I did was I tried fixing all the issues detected by CCleaner, although I did save a backup .reg file in My Documents. Windows Explorer crashed afterward.

I immediately rebooted my PC and tried to restore everything. Panicking at the time, what I did was I double clicked on the .reg file and clicked 'Yes' to the pop-up, instead of right-clicking on the .reg file and clicking 'Merge'. Thinking that everything is back to normal, I deleted the .reg file (Stupid I know.. x_x)

EDIT: I've just noticed that Windows Explorer only crashes whenever I close a folder or My Computer. Any ideas into what my problem could be? ._.

EDIT2: I think I just remedied the problem by following the steps on this page hxxp://

Now I would just like to know if I really did backup my registry when I double clicked on that .reg file? Or will there still be more errors to come? x_x

Welcome to Piriform fweilun.

You haven't really told us anything about your system.

1) Operation system with service pack number.

2) Web browser make and model number.

3) Anti-virus make and model number.

3) CCleaner version number.

You can always to a system restore to a point previous to this problem happening. ;)

I had that problem not too long ago with Explorer crashing out of nowhere.

In my situation I suspect it was a registry issue, and doing this worked:

1. What I did was create a new user profile.

2. I copied all my files over to the new profile, and it completely fixed the issue.

That's much better than formatting and reinstalling everything!!!

Note that Explorer crashing could also be from a malware infection, so to rule out malware view this thread.