Please refer to the list of these "Enabled" Start-up Items, & help guide that which all can be disabled/removed without getting into any serious kind of implications!
Help in this regard will be sincerely appreciated.
Overall Objective::: To improve upon the System Start-up Times.
At least 3 of those are Antivirus/Antimaleware product related, if you no longer run those then you can run the clean removal from both McAfee and/or Norton
Thanks for the response. So all in all...I can disable 4 entries with ease; 3 related to NVidia & the one associated to XP_EOS. What does the one entry "Classbar" refers to?
I'm with @hazelnut, if that were mine, I'd disable them all leaving only the entry for McAfee enable.
That classbar one starts a .bat file which rings alarm bells to me and should be investigated. (go to that location, right click on that file and select Edit to see what it really does)
Obviously can't comment on the pixelated-out entry.
You'll be surprised to note that "System Ninja" & not CCleaner is proving effective to get rid of the most of the Start-up entries!
Actually, to be very Frank, such a manipulation has been disabled from the Administrator's end & therefore Ccleaner quickly comes up with a Prompt:::" Failed to enable/disable. Access is denied."
However, look at System Ninja :-); it offers only a Ruthless Killing(Deletion) to these Memory Hogs at one go!
Isn't that fantastic? Now Iam only left with XP_EOS that appears to stay on irrespective of any effort. Nevertheless, I can manage with that!
Please deliberate on what's Good with latter choice?
The reason "such a manipulation has been disabled from the Administrator's end" is to prevent inexperienced users from completely crippling an Operating System.
It seems the other program you mention pays scant disregard to that, so in my opinion it's a pretty irresponsible tool.
A "Ruthless Killing(Deletion)" of an entry is exactly that. Make a mistake and accidentally "Kill (delete)" an important entry and it will probably be next to impossible to rectify. You would probably have to reinstall.
If you insist on using a program like that, I would suggest the members on here refrain from giving further advice. The ability to "enable" an entry after "disabling" is absolutely imperative until some time after disabling an entry hasn't shown any adverse affects.
We may be giving advice here which isn't acted upon in the correct manner, so I would suggest that you're on your own with that other program, and I'll leave the members to decide as to whether they contribute further.