Help requested

I ran CCleaner the other day, and my taskbar icons on the left side disappeared. These are the shortcut icons like show desktop, open Firefox, etc. Can anyone tell me how to restore them?

Thanks in advance...


That's been reported a couple of times before and it's from using something in the Cleaner->Advanced section.


On some systems the following will not fix the issue and the Quick Launch icons will disappear again if you restart Windows. :(

To get the Quick Launch icons back do the following:

  1. Right click the Taskbar and select Properties.
  2. In the Taskbar tab tick: Show Quick Launch.


I forget to say Welcome to the CCleaner Forums Paraphoe! :)

That's been reported a couple of times before and it's from using something in the Cleaner->Advanced section.


On some systems the following will not fix the issue and the Quick Launch icons will disappear again if you restart Windows. :(

To get the Quick Launch icons back do the following:

  1. Right click the Taskbar and select Properties.

  2. In the Taskbar tab tick: Show Quick Launch.


I forget to say Welcome to the CCleaner Forums Paraphoe! :)

You sir, are the man. Thanks for the help and the welcome, too. :D