HELP: Recuva64 started from USB can not recover

I have installed the portable Recuva on a USB stick.

Started the crash system and went to the command prompt.

The USB Stick is the D: drive.

So I started Recuva64 from the D:\Recuva\

It found the files on C:?\ which I was looking for.

I selected the files and when I select recover the pop-up window does not find a location to store the files and also the button Make new folder does nothing.

So, what did I do wrong and why can I not recover these files to the USB drive D:?


Recuva_log1_51_1063 (64-bit)11-1-2015_21-48.txt

No I did not use BartPE (and may be also not Windows PE).
I have a Dell Windows 8.1 system and because the system does not start normally, It starts with Dell support screens.
One of the buttons on the Dell Support screen is to go to the command prompt.
That is what I have done and then I went to X:\windows\system32\
On the command prompt I have typed CD D: to go to the USB stick, with the portable version of Recuva on it.
Is it possible to add an option to the ini file or start parameter to tell Recuva that D:\ is the drive to recover the files on.


Obviously DELL Support is inadequate. It only provides you with


That is obviously a microscopic scaled down pale shadow of an imitation version of Windows that is running in RAM - very probably a form of Windows PE,

and this typically is less than 10% the size of normal Windows.

Your Flash Drive with 64 bit Recuva SHOULD work if you plug it into a proper normally operating 64 bit Windows Computer.

Your Flash Drive with 64 bit Recuva MAY FAIL to work if you plug it into a proper normally operating 32 bit Windows Computer.

Your Flash Drive with 64 bit Recuva MIGHT work with Windows PE using X:\windows\system32\,

BUT NOT a "bog standard" PE - you need to get or create a custom version using utilities which I have never attempted to master.