help please asap

is there a bad effects on my pc when i defrag.?

is it very helpful?

cause i download speed up my performance

thx :mellow:

is there a bad effects on my pc when i defrag.?

is it very helpful?

cause i download speed up my performance

thx :mellow:

Hello ivanguard,

Welcome to the forums. :D

You sound like a "newbie" user. That is OK with us. We are glad that you asked such an important question.

Defragmenting your Hard Drive, especially the system drive, will help increase your systems performance.

It is not necessary for MOST average users to do this very often.

It is necessary if you have very many fragmented files on your system Hard Drive.

It is important that you have maybe 15 % or more free space available to do the "defragmentation".

To make your PC perform better for your personal needs it is important to "defrag" the files and folders that you use and change often.

If you have never "defragmented" your Hard Drive, then I would recommend doing it when you can leave your PC running with just the "defragmentation" program running. It may take from two to several hours to run the first time.

Defragmenting involves moving much data around on your disk. It is safest and fastest when done with no other programs running.

As a new PC user you can use either Windows Disk Defragmenter program for it's safety and simplicity as explained in this link.

Or you can use Piriforms "Defraggler" program because of its speed.

You do have to be willing to learn how to use it and keep the program updated but it does have it's speed advantage. If you choose to do this then I also recommend that you install Andavari's Defraggler Shell as explained in this link.

This will allow you to Defragment "your" files and folders very quickly.

Andavari's Defraggler Shell

I use a combination of all three.

Mainly now I use Andavari's Defraggler Shell and I never have to defragment the whole Hard Drive anymore.

You may notice a "temporary slow down" for awhile until Windows "re-learns" and "optimizes" some things but then you will see much improvement.

Use CCleaner to clean as much as you can before "defragmenting" disks/partitions. If you have old "movies" and files that you rarely use or no longer need it is best to copy them to another volume and/or delete them before defragmenting also. (Never delete your Pictures, any of them. They are irreplaceable and all too valuable even though you may not think so at the moment.) This way no time is wasted on moving "junk" around that is going to be removed soon anyway. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO DELETE ANYTHING. The defragmentation will just take longer.

Good luck to you,

:) davey

These links are great to learn what "defragmentation" is for and when best to do it.

Disk Defragmenter

The Desktop Files The Truth about Defragmentation. Also provides explanation and link to PageDefrag program.

If your system is still slow, there are other things that can cause this.

MOST systems are too slow because they have accumulated too much "junk" and the system Hard Drive has too many fragmented files.