help newbie(me) not delete stuff

:unsure: Please help. I started CCleaner & did an analyze on applications then realized that I could not high light the stuff I wanted to save. So, afraid that it would all disappear, I left the program on in that state, not knowing what to do. What can I do to save a bunch of stuff that got put in the 'to be deleted' box by the analyze function ? I'm even afraid to close the program.



MISTAKE--->>>the analysis was on Windows NOT Applications.

If you only analyzed then you're ok, as it won't have deleted anything. As for saving things, you need to put the folders you want to keep in your 'Exclude' list under options. Hope that helped.

Thanks. :unsure: MISTAKE: the analyzed files were NOT applications they WERE/ARE Windows...

:( But...a..duh What do I do with the program? I mean I have it minimized and still open to the analyze page. Do I just close it and all the stuff there will go away or will all the analyzed stuff get deleted when I close it or will all those files stay in the window and I won't be able to use the program unless I let those files be deleted or I copy the full addresses of each file in the exclude section ?

Sorry :( I got so long winded but...the pc is breaking down on top of everything else & my usual program will not update for win 98 anymore. OHH boy do I need a new(working) pc !!!



If you only analyzed then you're ok, as it won't have deleted anything. As for saving things, you need to put the folders you want to keep in your 'Exclude' list under options. Hope that helped.

Look at to the CCleaner Beginner's Guide.

:unsure: Please help. I started CCleaner & did an analyze on applications then realized that I could not high light the stuff I wanted to save. So, afraid that it would all disappear, I left the program on in that state, not knowing what to do. What can I do to save a bunch of stuff that got put in the 'to be deleted' box by the analyze function ? I'm even afraid to close the program.



MISTAKE--->>>the analysis was on Windows NOT Applications.

Hello lyth,

Review That CCleaner Guide just as Andavari advised you to do.

One thing in the Guide that you may miss, is the fact that both Windows tab and Applications tab MUST be considered as one long list of things to be checked and possibly cleaned.

It does not work 1 tab at a time as some users think.

Make sure that you do not have things in Temp files or Tmp files that you want to keep. These are temporary files and will most likely be cleaned by CCleaner.Some users don't realize that they have been running programs or storing things in temporary areas untl they do their first Analysis and Cleaning.

This is not to scare you but to advise you.After all, cleaning and getting things better organized is what PC maintenance is all about.

CCleaner is a PC maintenance program and must be run with all browsers and other programs closed.

Do NOT use the Advanced cleaning options.These are for special purposes and should only be used under special situations.

Most users are not happy with what they thought it was going to do.They do special cleaning jobs for advanced users who understand the consequences of using them.They do not do any cleaning that will improve the performance of your PC.

Before doing any Cleaning go to Options > Cookies and save the important cookies to your favorite sites.

Also there are other types of "cookies" to consider.See this link.

Best Wishes,

:) davey