i am novice to doing this sort of thing and downloaded the ini file but how do i add my own programs to it
i want to add more browsers like chrome,Flock,CometBird
How would i go about adding them and also where do i put the ini file that i downloaded from here as i don't understand where to put it or what folder.
I might be a noob at this but i pick up on things well so i just need some guidance to start with plz
no I think this is more a question of making a winapp2.ini
but I (or better a user of these programs) would need to figure out the settings
however, yes include/exclude would work
Yes the winapp2.ini i have that but i want to know what i need to add to it for them browsers as i downloaded one off here and added the list of programs i have on my system and then saved but i dont know how or what am doing adding thease as the info was in the list off this site so i just copied paste n saved
1) someone who uses these programs and knows win*.ini programing comes and programs them for you
2)I or some other helper has the time to load the three products you mentioned
3) For each of the programs you figure out what files you need deleted (with enviromentals), what Reg key needs to be detected to tell ccleaner that the program is installed.
Winapp2 is actually pretty easy to make and we are willing to help all we can with your entry if you go the third route (I've made quite a few functional ones as have others here in the forum)