Help me : Recovery file deleted

First of all I apologize for my English but I am Italian.

I have a problem, I need to recover deleted files on a USB memory card.

The program found many files but it says it will be ignored, why?

how do I retrieve every file? The program shows me only a few files than the ones it finds. Thank you all.


Switch to Advanced mode - button in top left hand corner. Select Options Actions. Check the top three boxes.

Passare alla modalità avanzata - pulsante in alto a sinistra mano. Selezionare Opzioni Azioni. Controllare le prime tre caselle.

As you have Recuva Professional you should contact your support manager for assistance.

Come avete Recuva professionale è necessario contattare il gestore di sostegno per l'assistenza.

thank you I'll try