Help-Lost Restore Points

Microsoft tech dnld this program on my computer using easyassit to fix case # I had w/them. Well

after they did It did not work and they finally had me Reinstall Winxp as opposed to restore. Now

they are saying my case is closed and problem resolved. They are not helping me and they put the

program on my computer. Well the real problem is I cannot get to my restore points even though it

shows the calendar w/dates,etc. After running it says cannot restore to that point. I used my restore

just 2 weeks ago, it is since I ran the program, I remember Registry scan, fix selected, and since then it does not work. I installed service pack 3 and tried and still the same thing, what is going on.

I went to site and did what it said to bring the backup up and merge and still it does not work. Can

anyone please help???????


Welcome Gasmitty

Please read:

I never could get System Restore to work properly for me as it would always indicate that restore could not be done even though I tried several of the restore points.

I finally ran FORMAT then re-installed XP Pro and now use ERUNT as my restore facility:

Microsoft tech dnld this program on my computer using easyassit to fix case # I had w/them. Well

after they did It did not work and they finally had me Reinstall Winxp as opposed to restore. Now

they are saying my case is closed and problem resolved. They are not helping me and they put the

program on my computer. Well the real problem is I cannot get to my restore points even though it

shows the calendar w/dates,etc. After running it says cannot restore to that point. I used my restore

just 2 weeks ago, it is since I ran the program, I remember Registry scan, fix selected, and since then it does not work. I installed service pack 3 and tried and still the same thing, what is going on.

I went to site and did what it said to bring the backup up and merge and still it does not work. Can

anyone please help???????


Hello Gasmitty,

Welcome to the forum :D

We are always willing to do what it takes to help you.

I am confused as to which program is which that you are talking about.

Can you calm down yourself a little and then add some detail like names of programs when you are talking about them.

This way we can understand what may be the best way to resolve your problem.

Best wishes,

:) davey

Hello Davey,

Please excuse new to this board?????

What I am talking about is I did not put CCleaner on my computer, Microsoft did. Now on

to the problem, about two weeks ago I tried the program that they put on computer and

hit scan for issues/fix selected, it was on Registry and came up with a few issues, ever since

I cannot go to my restore Points, I have Win XPSP2, somebody told me to update to SP3,

did that also and it still does not work. I logged on to website and did what It said about

backup-properties,then hit merge to go back to point b4 it did whatever. When I try my

Restore the calendar and dates are all there, and it runs like it is restoring, but @ the end

it says cannot restore to that point, please pick another point. I tried that also and also created

a restore point, still the same. I just don't understand what it did with so few items it scanned.

I know it was working b"cause I tried it 1 1/2 weeks ago, that is my Restore.

Thanks for getting back w/ me
