It says my C is corrupt and unreadable. The instructions are "run chkdsk,utility on the volume c:. I've searched through everything and read the "help" section and nothing computes. I don't have clue as to what to do. Where do I find chkdsk.utility? How do I run it on volume C?
It says my C is corrupt and unreadable. The instructions are "run chkdsk,utility on the volume c:. I've searched through everything and read the "help" section and nothing computes. I don't have clue as to what to do. Where do I find chkdsk.utility? How do I run it on volume C?
Judith/VERY newbie
If Windows XP, My Computer, right-click C:\ > Properties > Tools > Error-checking > Check Now
Depending on drive size, it can take quite a while.
Wow, you got a fast reply, mine has 27 views and not 1 reply, I'll try CHKDSK again aswell. But It's when I run CCleaner with the options under System (Temp Files, ChkDsk Fragments) it gives me it.
It says my C is corrupt and unreadable. The instructions are "run chkdsk,utility on the volume c:. I've searched through everything and read the "help" section and nothing computes. I don't have clue as to what to do. Where do I find chkdsk.utility? How do I run it on volume C?
Judith/VERY newbie
The very first thing you need to do when you start getting errors like that is to back up all your data. When you start getting chkdsk (check disk) errors, that could be a sign that your hard drive will fail soon. I would use a program called Cobian Backup - free - and backup the entire Documents and Settings folder as well as any program folders that may have some of your personal data in them, like, AOL, Intuit/Quicken/Quick Books, TurboTax. These are some of the bad programs and older programs that would store your personal data in their own program folder and not in the Doc's and Settings > My Documents folder. You will want to back up to an external hard drive or another computer so then you can start looking at whether or not you're in for a new hard drive or computer.
While you may only have a couple of bad system files, it's likely that at the very least you're going to need to reload your computer from scratch. Once this type of error starts popping up, you don't usually get a good recovery.