help? - java's not just coffee anymore

I know so little about this that I don't even know how to formulate the question.

I go to a site and try to download some little game.

I get a popup saying something about java - I guess I don't have it.

Went to microsoft to see if I could get it.

no, they don't make it anymore.

I can get it at and it's made by Sun

Didn't Sun have kind of a rep for making stuff with lots of spyware 2-3 years ago? I remember browsing forums and seeing that name a lot in conjunction with problems.

It looks like I'm stuck with Sun - but I don't know what I'm supposed to get

help please?


This is the latest version ( however I have heard update 10 will be about in awhile)

windows offline installation is the one I use. Problems can arise when people have outdated versions which can be used by nasties to install malware, that may have been what you read about.

Didn't Sun have kind of a rep for making stuff with lots of spyware 2-3 years ago? I remember browsing forums and seeing that name a lot in conjunction with problems.

According to Sun's documentation they don't pack it with any spyware, and it's a true statement because scanning with multiple anti-spyware applications doesn't turn up anything therefore Sun's Java Runtime Environment is safe to use.

Hazelnut, thank you so much! I'm way over my head with this - all I know is that I need it to play a game. LOL

Problems can arise when people have outdated versions which can be used by nasties to install malware, that may have been what you read about.

That makes sense - I vaguely remember hearing or reading to be careful of java, but that was a number of years ago.


multiple anti-spyware applications doesn't turn up anything therefore Sun's Java Runtime Environment is safe to use.

Thank you for this. I've been putting this off for several months, partly because I didn't know if Sun could be trusted.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and give the download a try.


Yayyy! It worked. Thanks again for your help!

sonsie :P

Thank you for this. I've been putting this off for several months, partly because I didn't know if Sun could be trusted.

Ya could've always asked by making a thread on the forums instead of waiting for so long. Just remember to keep the Sun Java Runtime Environment updated, also there's an alternate download site for it located at