I stupidly put a important asssignment in the recycl then emptied it.
I am trying to work this site out, and its confusing, wer do i search they are all coded.
when i do recover its all code language so can;t recognize the files/
help me pls
I stupidly put a important asssignment in the recycl then emptied it.
I am trying to work this site out, and its confusing, wer do i search they are all coded.
when i do recover its all code language so can;t recognize the files/
help me pls
Assuming that you are using Recuva to locate and recover the document...
Download and load Recuva on another pc or drive, or use the portable version on a flash drive. Run a standard scan. Click on the column headers to sort in either data or filename order. If you can't find the file by filename, then Windows may have renamed the file to Dcnn.ext in XP, where nn is some number and ext is the file extension; or $Innnnnn.ext or $Rnnnnnn.ext in Vista. Try to find these by name or date, and when found right click on the filename and recover to the flash drive. When you've recovered all you can find open the files to see what's there.
I click on the file i want then transfer to my memory stick, but it is a load of jargon, codes etc wots going on.
Is ther any1 on line who helps us idiots.