Hi all, I am desperately trying to get back a folder on my desktop that was deleted during an accident quick formate. When I try to run a deep scan with recuva however, it inexplicably shuts down recuva and crashes straight back to desktop. It doesn't do this when I don't do a deep scan, but obviously I need it to do a deep scan because the computer was formatted. ANy help, and is anybody else experiencing this?
Hi all, I am desperately trying to get back a folder on my desktop that was deleted during an accident quick formate. When I try to run a deep scan with recuva however, it inexplicably shuts down recuva and crashes straight back to desktop. It doesn't do this when I don't do a deep scan, but obviously I need it to do a deep scan because the computer was formatted. ANy help, and is anybody else experiencing this?
I'm having exactly the same problem. I start a deep scan and then the whole program just closes out. It does this every time it gets to 2% progress. Haven't found any way to get around it.
We plan to release a new version with a fix for this issue very soon.
I have the same issue 2% then it crash.. (it got to 4% last time i tryed)
i have posted a thread about it, in the bug part of the forum.
Hi, I'm having the same problem, the program is running a deep scan and when it is i 70% approx... it crashes!!!
I'm desperate because I lost many important files and photos and I want to recuperate.
Please help!!
We plan to release a new version with a fix for this issue very soon.
Do you have an ETA on that?
We plan to release a new version with a fix for this issue very soon.
I'm also wondering on an ETA for that. I'm experiencing the same problem, and waiting for this fix.
Recuva 1.15 was released on 11th June, so this may be the fix Mr Ron was mentioning. Deep scan runs OK for me. Well, I say OK, it runs to completion but takes too blooming long to run frequently.
I'm having the same problem using the latest version (1.15.327). Deep Scan only gets to 1% then crashes with no explanation. I've tried reinstalling Recuva but that hasn't helped either. If anyone has a suggestion on how to fix this I would appreciate it.