Help! Ccleaner wont complete free space wipe

Hi - I have updated to latest version of ccleaner and have set it to wipe the free space on my main C drive using the Gutmann security level. It starts the process but when it gets to it just flicks back to the main screen the same as just before you click the "wipe button" As i had left it to run as there was hours to go and wasntt sure at what stage it finished I set up a video camera onto the screen and the scan ends at 7% of the scan - with 11 hours and 4 seconds remaining and only 6477MB of 87494MB completed.

I have tried this several times with the same result.

Why wont it complete the wipe?

Any help appreciated

I've deleted your duplicate thread in CC Bugs. Please don't double post, it won't increase the chances of an answer and just annoys other members. We can't guarantee an answer to this or any problem. I have no experience of this (I don't run wfs), you could try a chkdsk.

There's yet another thread being answered by Andavari here ...

Flitting between 4 different threads (one deleted) is turning into a big waste of our time, so Augeas will forgive me for locking this one.