Help - Cannot Bootup

I came across a reference to CCleaner today and decided to give it a try. I used many of the options before I rebooted. Looking back it might have been easier to determine where the trouble came from if I had just done a thing or two and then rebooted after each. Live and learn.

When I did the restart and very quickly thereafter I saw the message "Loading PBR 2 ... done" which normally is there only a moment and things go on, but now it stops right there for good. I was able to interrupt it by quicly using the F keys to look at booting order and run diagnostics. The diagnostics ran without error. I booted up with a Norton Ghost bootable CD and did get disk errors running the disk test with it. I had previously used a program called ERDNT and in conjustion with a bootable disk called something liked Bart's PE Builder I was able to successfully ( I thknk ) restore an earlier version of my registry. I thought that would solve my problem, but it did not. Still stopped at the same place. I have installed an older disk in the PC and am using that to get back online and ask for help. I have the original disk installed in a USB encloser and can "see" all my files, even the backup registry file that I requested when running CCleaner. I did not do the merge with the disk as drive letter J: not knowing whether merge would affect the registry on C or J. Please ask me any questions that might help or have me do any test or download needed. Needless to say I would like to recover to about where I was this morning.

Thanks - Russ

I came across a reference to CCleaner today and decided to give it a try. I used many of the options before I rebooted. Looking back it might have been easier to determine where the trouble came from if I had just done a thing or two and then rebooted after each. Live and learn.

Did you try CCleaner because you were experiencing problems prior to using it?What were those problems?

I booted up with a Norton Ghost bootable CD and did get disk errors running the disk test with it. I had previously used a program called ERDNT and in conjustion with a bootable disk called something liked Bart's PE Builder I was able to successfully ( I thknk ) restore an earlier version of my registry. I thought that would solve my problem, but it did not. Still stopped at the same place.

I am assuming that you tried to Reboot into "safe mode" first.If not try that and "Use last good settings".

I have installed an older disk in the PC and am using that to get back online and ask for help. I have the original disk installed in a USB encloser and can "see" all my files, even the backup registry file that I requested when running CCleaner. I did not do the merge with the disk as drive letter J: not knowing whether merge would affect the registry on C or J. Please ask me any questions that might help or have me do any test or download needed. Needless to say I would like to recover to about where I was this morning.

Thanks - Russ

Hi Russ,

Merging back the .reg file will do no good as you restored the Registry to a prior point.

These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions?

What were the disk problems you referred to in your post?

CCleaner version ?

OS and version ?

Browsers and ver.?

Security software and ver?

Other data you think might be relevant?

What did you do and then what happened?


:) davey

Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008.

Yes, you have done enough for today.Sleeping on it is probably the best idea.

ERUNT is a good product and ERDNT a sub program has saved me in the past also.

You need to get your original C drive back to where it was before you tried to install the new drive.

Use a ERDNT file from that time.

Don't try any new software until you get the new drive situation resolved.I would wait awhile to see how the new drive is working before doing anything else.

CCleaner is a safe product but not the type of product to introduce until you get the new C drive organized and reliable.

Good Luck, :) davey

P.S. I wouldn't doubt that there are other members who have been through what you are doing.They may have a lot better advice for you so don't rush things just yet.