Help about this msg (Unable to read boot sector)

Hello people......

I need help about this, i try use the Recuva but this msg apear avery time ( Unable to read boot sector).

I dont can use because this, i deleted my file, i like so much to repear this file........

If enybody undurstend about this help me.



PS : From Brasil, sorry my ingles.

If enybody undurstend about this help me.



PS : From Brasil, sorry my ingles.

Hello gersondona,

Welcome to the Piriform Forums !!! :P

I am not an experienced user of Recuva in all it's various uses. However, it does have many options and features.

If Recuva starts at the Wizard screen, click on "Cancel". This should bring you to the main Recuva screen.

When you get to the main screen, I suggest that you check out these Options.

The last Scanning action may work for you. But try them all. Let us know.


You may need "advanced" assistance to recreate the "Boot sector" on your hard drive. Of course now I realize that you may not be trying to recover from an actual Hard Drive.

Do you only get this message when using "Recuva" ?

What device are you trying to recover from ?

Tell us what happened to cause you to "recuva" this file.

Good luck,

:) davey