I'd worry less about the IP address! Sure entertainment groups for example like the RIAA and MPAA can use it to initially track people who've illegally been trading their properties but they're probably going to be more interested in obtaining the MAC address which identifies actual computers and/or devices which is usually going to be indisputable in court.
Unlike an IP address with the MAC address there's no flipping an on/off switch on the modem to switch it because it will always remain static for a computer and/or device.
How to find your MAC address
How to find your MAC address
Good to know! And a good looking website design too.
Also learn about MAC address.
town location, actual area of your town location by postcode
For me that is not a 100% correct statement due to how I have my DSL modem configured (which also throws off Geolocation in browsers):
If someone were looking for my town location going by IP address/Geolocation they'd end up roughly 80 miles away.
For me that is not a 100% correct statement due to how I have my DSL modem configured (which also throws off Geolocation in browsers):
If someone were looking for my town location going by IP address/Geolocation they'd end up roughly 80 miles away.
That may be true for your set-up, but what I stated is PERFECTLY correct, it sure did give my town, a map and the area within the town (post code) - I read it myself using one of the IP finders selected from my Google search.
So it is a correct statement of fact for ME and most likely for thousands of others. You are an exception to this general statement.
It was not meant to say that every single person on Planet Earth would be presented with such detailed personal information as I was, simply that this is what they can do at the click of a mouse..
I use a tool on my phone that spoofs my mac address when connecting to networks via wifi. I think it may be root only, it's called Pry-Fi. I imagine something similar exists for desktop OS'