Hello, I'm new here and Im using CCleaner for years.
Sorry if I'm asking in the wrong forum, but I would like to know what option in the registry I should let unchecked? (I was ignorant in the old time and I checked all...)
Always helps if you state your operating system when asking for any advice or when you have a question
If you do really really feel the need to run the reg cleaner perhaps just go with the defaults and always make a backup when offered the opportunity to do so.
Yes, but that's not what I would advise or run with. I should uncheck the lot, then check, analyse and possibly run those opptions you are more familiar with one at a time. There is a topic here - can't remember by whom - that lists the functions of each option, well worth a read. Or Google each option and get an idea of what's being cleaned before leaping in. And do those backups. Each backup will only backup the changes specified in the analysis, not the whole registry. If you're doing lots of reg changes I would advise a complete registry backup before you start.
Helps to read this in the official docs. However I’d go one step further and install ERUNT (freeware) which can make automatic daily registry backups to undo any registry cleaning with a guaranteed way of restoring the registry - ERUNT can also save your system if System Restore fails.