Hello all!

Thanks very much !

I just found this download.

Ive had a error for 2 days and now its gone..

Tks CCleaner

so which boxes did you UNcheck before deleting or (run cleaner) ?

so which boxes did you UNcheck before deleting or (run cleaner) ?

The boxes that are checked by default are for the most part fine to leave checked, unless you have Microsoft Office installed. If you have Microsoft Office installed and you let CCleaner clean it you'll lose all your settings in Word, and a few other MS Office applications.

Before you enable items under 'Advanced' you may want to search the forum using the search function or ask if you can't find the info yourself to find out what they do exactly. I personally only use the 'Custom Files and Folders' under Advanced and occasionally enable the 'Hotfix Uninstallers' to remove old Windows/Microsoft Updates uninstall files that I know I won't be removing.

If you are in any way nervous using a particular setting under 'Advanced' make sure you create a System Restore point first to undo any significant system changes.

Hello everyone. Be sure to check out the Quick Links in my Sig.

Welcome to the Forums. :lol: