Hollywood actor Heath Ledger has been found dead at a residence in downtown Manhattan.
This was a shocker.
Hollywood actor Heath Ledger has been found dead at a residence in downtown Manhattan.
This was a shocker.
Just saw this on the news too. Pretty sad I guess.
If this turns out to be a suicide/drug overdose like they are reporting now then something really needs to be done about hollywood actors and drugs. So many of them are dying so young/trying to commit suicide.
To be honest I dont really feel bad for these people. They are on top of the world and resort to drugs? I just dont get it.
They are on top of the world and resort to drugs? I just dont get it.
Too much money?
Britney Spears is next. That is a train wreck waiting to happen.
He just shot Batman too...
Its everywhere. Rich and poor.
He just shot Batman too...
Kinda cold I guess, but I still hope that movie comes out on time and that all his parts were finished. He looked pretty awesome as the joker.
Its everywhere. Rich and poor.
Natural deselection.
He wanted to commit suicide and succeeded, don't really have any sympathy for him.
This is the last photograph of Heath Ledger: http://www.tmz.com/2008/01/22/the-last-pho...f-heath-ledger/
He wanted to commit suicide and succeeded
It's not sure yet, that is was a suicide. He had a pneumonia at the time he died.
I think it was likely an overdose.... just like Hendrix and all of those other great musicians/actors that have died due to drug use.
I think it was likely an overdose.... just like Hendrix and all of those other great musicians/actors that have died due to drug use.
Suicide or OD it's still natural deselection. Retards removing themselves from the gene pool. I am not moved in the slightest.
I think it was likely an overdose....
No drugs found in his apartment.
No drugs found in his apartment.
Thats not true, they've already said there were several prescription drugs nearby, including the sleeping pills he was on.
Thats not true, they've already said there were several prescription drugs nearby, including the sleeping pills he was on.
Yes there was several prescription drugs, but no dope/narcotics.
It's a little bit confusing, because in English there's same word for prescription drugs (medicine) and for drugs (dope/narcotic). In Finland we use different word for both. I mean in English word drug means both, but in here it only means dope.
Yes there was several prescription drugs, but no dope/narcotics.
It's a little bit confusing, because in English there's same word for prescription drugs (medicine) and for drugs (dope/narcotic). In Finland we use different word for both. I mean in English word drug means both, but in here it only means dope.
Just playing with words. Whether you abuse and OD on illegal narcotics or legally prescribed medication is a minor detail. You are still a druggie and the results are the same.
My issue is this.
Why do we care so much about "these" people? By these i mean celebritys. What about the people that do this in our own backyards and the only press they get is an obituary? I grew up skateboarding with an amzingly talented young man who was into drugs and becasue his girl cheated on him he hung himself.
Not only that when the obituary was written there was no mention of his talents, how he died, and how many young kids not unlike myself looked up to him. Sure his habits were less then desireable...
but no less desireable then some of these hollywood-ites we put on pedestals? In the faces of our children, newspapers, magazines and the very movies we look forward to seeing, buying, and such. Same applies to music or any other form of entertainment.
So why all the fuss over the Heaths and Anna Nicoles?
Also worthy of note, considering these people spend half their time in a land of make beleive (acting) i have always thought that they may suffer from some altered state of reality or suffer multiple personality disorder. . . . its no wonder half of them are effed up beyond belief. They quite literally arent themselves half the time.
Food for thought.
Why does some people turn from being normal into mentally ill when they become stars? One example would be Britney Spears.
My issue is this.
Why do we care so much about "these" people? By these i mean celebritys. What about the people that do this in our own backyards and the only press they get is an obituary? I grew up skateboarding with an amzingly talented young man who was into drugs and becasue his girl cheated on him he hung himself.
Not only that when the obituary was written there was no mention of his talents, how he died, and how many young kids not unlike myself looked up to him. Sure his habits were less then desireable...
but no less desireable then some of these hollywood-ites we put on pedestals? In the faces of our children, newspapers, magazines and the very movies we look forward to seeing, buying, and such. Same applies to music or any other form of entertainment.
So why all the fuss over the Heaths and Anna Nicoles?
Also worthy of note, considering these people spend half their time in a land of make beleive (acting) i have always thought that they may suffer from some altered state of reality or suffer multiple personality disorder. . . . its no wonder half of them are effed up beyond belief. They quite literally arent themselves half the time.
Food for thought.
I don't give a crap if any of them live or die to be brutally honest about it. I find their nose dives amusing. Watching Paris (I'm an absolute retard) Hilton crying like a baby when she was busted was hilarious. Britney ( soon to be joining Heath) is another entertaining piece of genetic crap I like watching do a face plant. Let's not forget about Amy Winehouse she is always good for a laugh. I save my sympathies for people that really matter not these clowns.
Why does some people turn from being normal into mentally ill when they become stars? One example would be Britney Spears.
I think that their mind can't handle all that success. Plus there's all that hassle (out side of work). Touring around the world promoting new movies, albums and all that stuff...