HDD activation

Since I have been using Speccy 1.00.089 the hard drives are continually being searched while I have Speccy running. The other day I had AVG doing its scan while speccy was on, and a scan that normally takes about 55 minutes to complete to scan around 600GB was till running after 4 hours and was only halfway complete :angry: . As soon as I turn Speccy 1.00.089 off, the HDD activity stops. I was running 1.00.066 before and was very happy with it, and had none of these problems :) .


Hello Piriform team, thanks for this beta version of Speccy !

I love the graphic interface of Speccy, and I prefer your software to other solution (Belarc Advisor or other similar...).

BUT, and as for this other forum user, I have also a problem with the hard drives access, when Speccy is running, the three HDD of my computer are permanently in activity :unsure:

I hope that the next versions will solve this problem ;)

P.S. I use CCleaner everyday and my life is so simple since I started to use this application :rolleyes:


I am seeing this continuous HDD activity when Speccy 89 is open on both my Windows 7 x86 Pro and Windows7 x64 Pro systems. This is even after Speccy displays the HDD stats.