Having some trouble with multiple programs

Well, recently I accidentally left my external hard drive plugged in while my computer was rebooting. I don't know why, but this has completely screwed me over in the past as well. I've been trying to use a program called Xfire and get this error message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><ExceptionReport Version="4"><Application Build="35250" Command=""C:\Program Files\Xfire\Xfire.exe""/><OperatingSystem Type="2"><Version Major="5" Minor="1" Build="2600"/></OperatingSystem><Exception Code="C0000005" Address="7E421759"><Module Section="0001" Offset="00010759" FileName="C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll"/></Exception><Registers EAX="00000000" EBX="900014BE" ECX="2400052F" EDX="00000000" ESI="7C919AEB" EDI="7C919AEF" CS="001B" EIP="7E421759" SS="0023" ESP="0013EA4C" EBP="0013EDB4" DS="0023" ES="0023" FS="003B" GS="0000" Flags="00010246"/><BackTrace>	<Frame ProgramCounter="7E421759" StackAddress="0013EA4C" FrameAddress="0013EDB4">		<Module Section="0001" Offset="00010759" FileName="C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll"/>		<StackHexDump From="0013EA4C" To="0013EACC">a0 ad 80 7c	00 00 41 7e	27 17 42 7e	28 eb 13 00	10 3d 19 00	ec 1b 93 7c	00 00 00 00	e8 d7 19 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 16 00	10 43 26 01	1e 00 66 00	14 00 00 00	48 cc ad 02	00 00 00 00	78 cf ad 02	1d 00 6b 00	af 00 65 00	ac 1e 26 00	14 eb 13 00	02 00 00 00	e8 d7 19 00	02 00 00 00	70 42 26 00	1e 00 66 00	af 00 65 00	98 f0 13 00	00 00 00 00	20 00 00 00	01 00 00 00	78 e2 19 00	00 00 00 00</StackHexDump>	</Frame>	<Frame ProgramCounter="4FDFC8C7" StackAddress="0013EA4C" FrameAddress="0013EDD9">		<Module Section="0001" Offset="0002B8C7" FileName="C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll"/>		<StackHexDump From="0013EDB4" To="0013EDD9">d9 ed 13 00	c7 c8 df 4f	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 24	eb 9a 91 7c	8d 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	20 40 23 04	d0</StackHexDump>	</Frame>	<Frame ProgramCounter="004FDFA7" StackAddress="0013EA4C" FrameAddress="010013EF">		<Module Section="0001" Offset="000FCFA7" FileName="C:\Program Files\Xfire\Xfire.exe"/>		<StackHexDump From="0013EDD9" To="0013EE59">ef 13 00	01 a7 df 4f	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	24 ee 13 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	1f 00 00 00	d0 ae df 4f	57 04 44 7e	18 9a 41 7e	ff ff ff ff	00 00 00 00	1a a3 41 7e	00 00 40 00	e4 f0 13 00	28 08 00 00	b8 f0 13 00	48 4b 24 00	a8 01 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00 00 00 00	00</StackHexDump>	</Frame></BackTrace></ExceptionReport>

If anybody could make this out, I would really appreciate a solution. I'm thinking I'm going to have to run a repair install of XP (My system restore has been disabled, a virus did it to me a while ago and I never really fixed it, so i might do it anyway).

If no one here can offer any solution you could try here on the xfire tech forums, they seem very helpful.
