Hashing solutions

I have finally set up a quick and simple system for viewing, creating, saving and verifying MD5, SHA-1 and CRC.

The main goal was seamless context menu hashing. I used to use HashCalc for simple functions. Flyingbit Hash Calculator seemed to be good enough at first but it doesn't support multiple files.

The process is as follows-

1.) Download and install HashCheck Shell Extension.

2.) Download and install HashOnClick (Free version)

That's it. HashCheck Shell Extension adds an entry named 'Create Checksum File...'. Right-click a file and click it to bring up a save as dialog. Use the 'Save as type:' dropdown to select the algorithm. CRC-32(*.sfv), MD4(*.md4), MD5(*.md5) and SHA-1(*.sha1) are the options. The filename is auto inserted into the name field followed by the extension. Click save to create a sfv, md4, md5 or sha1 file. A very nice progress dialog will appear with an accurate current file hashing progress bar and a total progress bar when more than one file is to be hashed.

'File.exe' will by default cause a 'File.exe.md5' to be created for MD5. More than one file will cause it to default to 'checksums.md5'.

To verify hashes using the .md5 or whatever-

Ensure .sfv, .md4, .md5 and .sha1 filetypes are set to open with HashCheck Shell Extension. The filetypes should open with "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ShellExt\HashCheck.dll". Now double-clicking the hash file will open HashCheck and verify it.

HashCheck Shell Extension also adds a 'Checksums' tab to the file properties box along with the link to its options. For this I greatly prefer HashTab though.

HashOnClick is useful for just viewing the hashes of files. It can also attempt to match the calculated one with what is in the clipboard. It adds a submenu called 'Calculate Hash Value' with MD5, SHA1 and CRC32.

Another program that may come in handy is Easy Hash.

Easy Hash features 136 different hashes. This makes it something you may want to have just in case. The Options have 2 buttons to register and unregister the shell menu command 'Hash with Easy Hash'. After you get the hash(es) they can be saved as a single .md5 etc. file or multiple to store each file hash in their own.

I use Nirsoft's HashMyFiles, very useful tool for finding file duplicates as well.

Richard S.

Thanks ... I really helped.
