Last month CCleaner version 5.45 was removed from the download page due to some very negative, but justifiably true, stories published on the internet. Because of the concerns over privacy and the fact that I don't like uncontrollable software running in the background I uninstalled version 5.45 and back leveled my version to 5.44 even before Piriform back leveled the version in response to the criticism.
Today I checked and there's a 5.46 version that is now the official downloadable version and I was wondering if the concerns reported on in the published criticisms have all been resolved and it's once again safe to update CCleaner? In other word do I now have full control of the product so I can turn off all data reporting and inquiries, even version checks? Have they changed the product so when I'm finished running the product it actually closes so that nothing is running in the background?
Like many, I became very concerned about this product as I don't like software that does any data collection regardless of how innocent their data collection is, I don't like applications that run in the background using resources of my over taxed PC and I don't like software that attempts to install other software products in stealthy ways. I want products that are limited to performing only their stated tasks and functions and before I upgrade this product from 5.44 I want to verify that Piriform has taken heed of the wrath of their customers and press and has gotten back on the right track.
If there are still issues to contend with please let me know as I will either stay on 5.44 or I'll remove the product all together and seek out other alternatives like some of the products that were suggested by the press. Don't get me wrong I like the ease of use and functionality of CCleaner for it's stated purpose of cleaning the crap from my PC but I need and want a clean, unobtrusive product as well.
Let me know how this version plays out.