And if so what do you think of it?
And if so what do you think of it?
Do you have a link?
Do you have a link?
(Did mean to put it in original post, honest )
I tried it one or two years ago, however since I didn't notice any improvements I undid the changes and deleted the app. Seems these type of apps don't necessarily benefit WinXP that much as I tried several with no noticable improvements, and many people say they don't work at all.
However; I will say this though when I was an AOL dialup user many years ago I used a similiar minded app that changed my download speeds from 3 kbps max to around 5 kbps max. But the biggest speed improvement is achieved by blocking ad banners!
Those Net optimizeres actually optimize net, but they can decrease security, like:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters] "EnablePMTUDiscovery"=dword:00000000Disable Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) Discovery As An Attacker Could Force The MTU Value To A Very Small Value And Overwork The Stack