Well, I was listening to Music on Winamp and was about to send a message to my GF on Mypsace and when I copied a message I replied to the Hard-Drive just powers off two times and my computer freezes lending me to shut off. I switched my power supply off and held down the power button for about 10sec.
Then I switched the power back on. Still the problem occured while the motherboard was searching for the Hard-Drive. I then uncover my case and unplug the IDE cable and power cord. and plugged it back in. Everything is fine but just... when I copied that message it just wen off. Wonder why...
It could be one of those things or a number of other things, worst one being your hard drive is going to fail. You may want to start backing up stuff in case it is.
DjLizard wrote a great little program that will check the parameters and functions of your HD. You can find it in this thread, in the 3rd post down. It will let you know if the hard drive is indicating it is going to fail. You can also look in Event Viewer under System to see if there are any warnings, but Dj's program is a lot more informative.
It could be one of those things or a number of other things, worst one being your hard drive is going to fail. You may want to start backing up stuff in case it is.
DjLizard wrote a great little program that will check the parameters and functions of your HD. You can find it in this thread, in the 3rd post down. It will let you know if the hard drive is indicating it is going to fail. You can also look in Event Viewer under System to see if there are any warnings, but Dj's program is a lot more informative.
I'm backing up my Music, Photos, and other files to my Mom's computer. I may have to convert back to using my 30.7GB HDD that I gave to my GF for her computer
No big deal. She has a 20.2GB HDD that came with her computer and I just replaced it with that 30.7GB that I'm having to convert back to. I'll have to reformatt and everything. I don't care though. I don't have that much Important stuff.
Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't see this post yesterday for some reason. The attached file is a pretty good hard drive checking utility. You can click on the Health tab and it will highlight any problems it detects. It can also check the disk for physical problems and do a benchmark test.
Unfortunately I don't know much about hardware issues. Did you look to see if there were any warnings in Event Viewer? Also if you want to you can go to this site and download the file hddh.exe. It's a different hard drive utility that I've used and it even gives an estimate of when it thinks a hard drive will fail if it finds any problems. Not sure how accurate its predictions are though. You could run it and see if it finds anything the other one didn't just in case.
Hopefully someone who knows more about hardware issues will chime in and give their advice.
Thx, but still no Issues or unhealthly warnings being brought out. I think it is my IDE Cable...
Actually now that I think about it I did have an IDE cable go bad once. It was an extra one I had lying around and when I got a second hard drive I used it because it had 2 hard drive connections. It looked OK but I guess one of the wires broke inside the cable itself.