Happy Thanksgiving!


So Looney Tunes!

Happy Thanksgiving all!!!



Nice one, LuLu :lol:

Happy Thanksgiving to Y'all !!!

Love, :) davey

Happy Turkey Day!

Now for the multiple days of turkey leftovers which I dread every year:

  • Turkey with all the side dishes until those side dishes are finished off, then:
  • Turkey sandwiches with Miracle Whip®.
  • Turkey wraps.
  • Turkey burritos.
  • Turkey enchiladas.
  • Turkey soup when there just isn't much turkey left, this signifies the end of the turkey thank goodness.

Happy T

Happy Turkey Day!

Now for the multiple days of turkey leftovers which I dread every year:

  • Turkey with all the side dishes until those side dishes are finished off, then:

  • Turkey sandwiches with Miracle Whip?.

  • Turkey wraps.

  • Turkey burritos.

  • Turkey enchiladas.

  • Turkey soup when there just isn't much turkey left, this signifies the end of the turkey thank goodness.

Unless your this turkey I found (It's either smart or already stuffed):

Where is that Turkey...

<edit: the link was too obvious>

Unless your this turkey I found (It's either smart or already stuffed):


Had the link not had turkeylamp in the link I would've thought you meant the guy on the floor. :lol:

Had the link not had turkeylamp in the link I would've thought you meant the guy on the floor. :lol:

oops forgot to mask the link a little, lol

Had the link not had turkeylamp in the link I would've thought you meant the guy on the floor. :lol:

Here I thought that only Ostriches were the smart birds.

I had my Thanksgiving Turkey last October and it was good.

Happy Thanksgiving to our US brethen to the south from Canada EH!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
http://www.allcapecod.com/shoptillchristmas.cfm <== I don't want a Virtual Holiday Card though.