Happy New Year

To all you guys already into 2009, and to those still waiting, a big Happy New Year from me.

I hope 2009 is kind to you all. Have a good one.

3o Minutes to go here, so I'm off to fill up the old glass :)

4 1/2 hours to go here, but what the hey...


Happy New Year, time for a refill.... :rolleyes:

My best wishes to all forum members for a happy and rewarding 2009.


It's been 9 hours and 32 minutes since the banging started here.

Happy New Year for you guys. :)

Happy New Year people, I can't believe I am already one and a half hours into this year. It is going so quick, before you know it, it will be 2010!

Happy New Year to everyone around the world! 1.gif


Happy New Year Dennis and to all Piriform users. ;)

I wish everyone a Happy New Year. :D

Happy New Year, everyone! :)

And a very happy New Year to all from me too :)

Happy time stamp.

Happy New Year from Canada EH!

-13C and sunny going up to -5C

My XP Home system caught some nasty trojan something about DNSchanger so I decided to totally clean it and start it fresh in the New Year.

I hope everyone had a blast watching the New Year roll in.

May the New Year bring happiness and prosperity to everyone.

Happy New Year, Piriform Forums !