Wishing you all a very happy Christmas or holiday season from everyone at Piriform!
Thanks MrG. And the same to you
Happy Holidays and all the best for 2009 to the both of you, and to everyone else at Piriform!
same to you MrG and everybody here at the community!!! keep doing well!!!
All the best from me too.
It's evening here in the UK, and I'm stuffed, but in a good way.
I hope everyone had a good year and 2009 is even better. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
A little late, but hey, it's still Christmas here lol
Merry, belated, Christmas to all.
My Christmas wasn't too bad I suppose. My mum did try, bless her, but it just hasn't been the same for me in ages; I believe I have lost the Christmas spirit.
As for what I got: a cool stylish black jacket, a t-shirt, a shirt, jeans, some Adidas shower gel and spray, money, two DVDs: 'Michael McIntyre Live and Laughing' and 'Lee Evans Big - at O2 Arena', and chocolate; loads of it.
Bit late for happy Christmas so happy new year!
Been using CCleaner & Defraggler for ages now on my, my family's and my customers PC's! On your normal slow, dusty, overheating pos consumer PC it's one of the first things I do, When I return the PC I add a link to the Start menu annd have even printed ABC-123 style instructions to use the progs! When the exchange rate goes back to ?1=$2 then I will donate!
Thank you for helping me make a living!
happy new year to all here at Piriform
happy new year to all here at Piriform
Me 2. davey
Hi, from Belgium !
To all administrators, moderators and members...
I'am on this site...for the first time just this morning of first january 2009 !
So that ... Happy new year at all...
I am happy to be with you on this forum.
Sorry for my english, my mother's language is french !!!
Well, I have a problem with the last version 2.15.815 of CCleaner !
I 'am sorry, I pourchase in french...
Voil?, d?sol?, c'est plus facile bien que je comprenne facilement l'anglais ?crit !
Sur un vieux PC de 2002 fonctionnant encore sous Windows Me, toutes les mises ? jour de Cleaner ont tr?s bien fonctionn? jusque et y compris l'avant-derni?re version 2.14.
C'?tait PARFAIT.
La version 2.15 ne nettoye absolument rien, ne vide pas la corbeille, n'efface pas les fichiers r?cents du menu "D?marrer" , n'efface pas l'historique des navigateurs ni sous Internet Explorer, ni sous Mozilla Firefox !
J'ai d?sinstall? et r?install? totalement plusieurs fois la derni?re version apr?s l'avoir t?l?charg?e au moins cinq fois, cette version 2.15 refuse de fonctionner sous Windows Me !
D?s lors j'ai d?sinstall? compl?tement cette version et r?install? la version 2.05 conserv?e depuis f?vrier 2008 ; cette derni?re fonctionne de nouveau parfaitement (Je n'avais pas conserv? la version 2.14 qui fonctionnait encore tr?s bien) !
Je suis d?sol? de signaler ce probl?me...
"CCleaner" is always a wonderful program of cleaning !!!
Regards and thanks.