Sorry mate, have to embarrass you. Happy birthday Humpty.
Have one on me.
Hope I got the time difference right.
Sorry mate, have to embarrass you. Happy birthday Humpty.
Have one on me.
Hope I got the time difference right.
Happy birthday man!
Happy Birthday Humpty, it's nearly over now I guess, I hope it was a good one.
Thanks fellas.
Will kick off with a few/many beers later this afternoon.
Coupla mates are lobbing around and I think it is going to be a humdinger, usually is, birthday or no birthday!
Happy birthday H. Sorry if I'm late.
All The best,
Happy birthday
Happy Birthady Dear Humpty!!!!!
Happy Birthday To You!!!!!
Heres to the next 39 Birthdays
Happy Birthday!
Here's a little something to wash down all that cake: