Happy Birthday to our friend down under

Sorry mate, have to embarrass you. Happy birthday Humpty.

Have one on me. 36_23_9.gif

Hope I got the time difference right.

Happy birthday man!


1%20(172).gifHumpty 1%20(46).gif

Happy Birthday Humpty, it's nearly over now I guess, I hope it was a good one.

Thanks fellas. :)

Will kick off with a few/many beers later this afternoon.

Coupla mates are lobbing around and I think it is going to be a humdinger, usually is, birthday or no birthday! :lol:


Happy birthday H. Sorry if I'm late.


All The best,


Happy birthday ;)


Happy Birthady Dear Humpty!!!!!

Happy Birthday To You!!!!!

Heres to the next 39 Birthdays :lol::P:lol:

Happy Birthday! 1%20(124).gif

Here's a little something to wash down all that cake: i515_aleemoticon.png