Hanging on startup?

I have just installed the latest version of CCleaner for macOS (1.18) on a Mac Laptop running Catalina (10.15.7), but unfortunatley CCleaner is stubbornly refusing to start - I see a spinner and then nothing more; the only thing I can do is to Force Quit the app. I'm aware of the problems with Catalina in general and have tried the usual tricks of right-clicking and selecting "Open" under Applications, as well as checking for Gatekeeper issues in "Security & Privacy | Allowed app", but am seeing nothing listed.

Is there any way I can diagnose what's wrong? I've tried launching from the CLI, but same problem and no additional output...


Clarification to this - it looks like the app does (eventually) start, but seems to hang for several minutes first...

As you say it may be an issue with Catalina.

Unfortunately we don't have many (any?) knowledgable Mac users posting here.

If you can run CCleaner Mac in debug mode the logfile may help pinpoint just where it is hanging.


If you let CCleaner eventually open then you should see a large time gap in the log for the process it got stuck at.

Two sets of log, both demonstrate a long delay between

�[23:08:01] CCacheCleanersGenerator:GenerateCleaners enter
	<span style="color:#f8f8f2;">�[</span><span style="color:#6272a4;">23:29:37</span><span style="color:#f8f8f2;">] CCacheCleanersGenerator:GenerateCleaners cacheDirs: (</span>

CCleaner_20_03_32.log.zip CCleaner_23_08_01.log.zip

There is also a bigger delay in the first one at:

[20:46:37] CUninstallOutlineDataSource:objectValueForTableColumn return : (null)

[21:14:52]    CSafariCleaner:GetCookies enter

I'll flag the logs up to the staff to have the devs look at them.

@phantomathkgThanks for providing these as we've received some other reports about this issue so we are actively investigating, and collecting logs.

To confirm, were these logs created using v1.18.28 of CCleaner, or were they created using the new version we released on October 6th, v1.18.30 ?

(I assume they're from the latest version, 1.18.30, but I need to verify this - just in case)

CCleaner 1.18.30 on macOS 10.15 Catalina:

�[17:45:21]	CCleanerManager:init
��[17:45:21]	CCleanerManager:InitCleaners
��[17:45:21]	CApplicationCleanersGenerator:Generate
��[17:45:21]	CApplicationCleanersGenerator:Generate - Cache
��[17:45:21]	CCacheCleanersGenerator:GenerateCleaners enter
��[18:05:53]	CCacheCleanersGenerator:GenerateCleaners cacheDirs: (


��[18:05:54]	GenerateSystemCleaners
��[18:05:54]	GenerateNonSystemCleaners
��[18:05:54]	GenerateOtherCleaners
��[18:05:54]	CCleanerManager:AddCleanerToGroup: cleaner: Safari group: Mac OS X
��[18:05:54]	exists == NO
��[18:05:54]	CSafariCleaner:GetCookies enter
��[18:05:54]	FilterDuplicatedCookies enter
��[18:05:54]	FilterDuplicatedCookies return
��[18:05:54]	CSafariCleaner:GetCookies return
��[18:05:54]	FilterDuplicatedCookies enter
��[18:05:54]	FilterDuplicatedCookies return
��[18:26:41]	CCleanerManager:AddCleanerToGroup: cleaner: System group: Mac OS X
��[18:26:41]	exists == NO
��[18:26:41]	CCleanerManager:InitCleaners [applicationsCleanersGen GetSystemCleaners]
��[18:26:41]	CCleanerManager:AddCleanerToGroup: cleaner: System Applications group: Mac OS X
��[18:26:41]	exists == NO
��[18:26:41]	CCleanerManager:AddCleanerToGroup: cleaner: Advanced group: Mac OS X
��[18:26:41]	exists == NO
��[18:26:41]	IsApplicationInstalled found path: /Applications/Firefox.app
��[18:26:41]	CCleanerManager:AddCleanerToGroup: cleaner: Firefox group: Applications
��[18:26:41]	exists == NO
��[18:26:41]	CFirefoxCleaner:GetCookies enter

All in all took about 45 minutes to start. I can provide the full log for any CCleaner staff just rather not post it in public.

Also, a MacBook Pro 16, Catalina 10.15.7 with CC 1.18.28 Pro. It will not upgrade (null) version.

When I closed the lid and came back later and opened it again it was freezing the mac.

I am having the same not responding problem. I reinstalled, uninstalled and reinstalled but the problem persists. I am currently waiting to see if it will eventually start.

When it did, the problem did not go away.

Here is my debug log file.

The program takes a few minutes to startup, but works well when I use it.


To Megan, is there any update on the unresponsive problem described in this post?

I have the exact same issue where it takes CCleaner 1-2 minutes to load on Catalina 10.15.7 just spins before eventually loading all other applications on my iMac load within 5 seconds.


I have the same issue (well, for the time being it is just spinning... But I will wait). 1.18.30 on MacOS 10.15.7. Was there any progress on that point ?

This should be corrected with the next major release of CCleaner for Mac, which is currently in testing and final development. Unfortunately, I do not have an 'ETA' as to when this version will be released to the general public, however once it is, that should take care of this matter.

Unfortunately, we were not able to find a way to correct this with the existing 1.18 build (which is one of the reasons leading to this new major release), and so for the moment, the only advice we can offer is to give the program time to load. I apologize for this, and I do wish I had a better suggestion to offer (short of moving to the new release when it is available).

JUst installed CCleaner on my newish Mac. Just beeeps when I click on anything. Won't close. Hellllp.

If it's a "newish" Mac, would I be correct in assuming that it's using the M1 processor? If so, CCleaner for Mac 1 will not be able to work properly on it; that's one of the reasons we're moving to CCleaner for Mac 2 as mentioned previously.

If you've purchased CCleaner for Mac, please contact our support team the Contact Us form located here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=86507 or by emailing support@ccleaner.com and we'll be happy to help migrate you to this new version; at this time, a Free version is not available but is expected to be available soon.

I gave up on CCleaner for Mac a long time ago it is unstable and way too buggy.