Hang-Up at 5%

I have used CCLEANER for years.... I did an update to the new version a day ago - Now when I run the clean process it stops at the 5% complete level - hangs and will not complete the cycle. If I run it in the registry mode first it will complete the task. It wil only hang up in the clean mode.

I use windows XP sp III - No software or hardware have been added to the PC - If I use the Mcafee cleaning function it does what it should. It is something with CCLEANER - I did an uninstall and loaded a clean (not slim) version, still the same. I just dont feel safe without my running ccleaner!!!! Any comments or suggestions - I have changed nothing in my PC (Acer Netbook).

If I uncheck the HISTORY option the process will complete and not hang up.

Thanks for any help... NEED HELP

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Try cleaning the history from your browser or manually and running ccleaner again

does it hang up on analyze or just run cleaner?