This is the first time this has ever happened.
Not too sure what has caused it.
But here is a picture:

I'm pretty sure only that File is causing the problem.
But it is "deleted" since it isn't in the Recycle Bin anymore.
For my Deleting Settings, I use "Secure File Deletion - NSA (7 passes)"
I've messed around and noticed that if I select "normal file deletion" it works out fine.
Or if I untick "Empty Recycle Bin" and then try with 7 passes, it works.
Oh right, and for the record, I've left it running for well over 4 hours and it's still stuck there (Currently running it still).
- - -
I also tried using Recuva, but it didn't find that file even when I had "Deep Scan" going.
Any help to possibly clear this problem will help, thanks.
Oh right, I've restarted my Computer a few times without much luck.
CC is stuck on that hidden file. You can find and reset it by following these instructions.
Yes, CCleaner has an issue with large files (I assume that since it is a iso that it is large).
NSA is extreme you need to dial it down to (at max) 1 secure pass.
if after switching to no pass and cleaning just the recycle bin (right click recycle bin in the windows section of ccleaner and choose clean)
then try
Open the folder that's listed in the screen shot d:\$recycle.bin\... and you should find that file sitting there
Thanks to the both of ya, didn't know that, but glad that solved the problem for me.
And yeah, that ISO was 20GB's.
So for the Passes, 1 is recommended if there are large files?
For some reason I was tempted to switch to 35 passes, as I've been using 7 since it was introduced into CCleaner.
One pass is enough. It overwrites with 000000000.
Even Dr Gutmann doesn't recommend 35 passes.
^Thanks for the input, 1 pass it shall be then ![^_^]()