Half Price Sale

If there's a way to contact Piriform directly, I haven't found it, so maybe this is the only way. This is not a question, but a request.

On May 28th, less than a month ago, after many years of using the free version of CCleaner, I upgraded to CCleaner Pro, at the regular price of $24.95. Now Piriform is offering CCleaner Pro for $12.45, half of the regular price. Had I known that the half price offer was about to be announced, I certainly would have waited to upgrade. I'm a retiree on a fixed income in a time of rapidly escalating prices, and I really would appreciate a refund of the price difference, $12.50

As you are a Pro user then you can contact support and ask.

There is a contact form here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Or you can email them: support@ccleaner.com


@JSS3rd: common trick is to buy the discount licence on sale as well and then send support a licence merge request - then you'll have 2 years of CCleaner ?