I have just completed Half-Life 2 & WOW what a game just pure genius and brilliance. The end of the credits looks like the below pic which i thought was pretty nice looking, dark granted but still pretty nice. I took a screenshot so i could have it as my wallpaper and thought i would post it just in case anyone else may want it. My desktop is 1280 by 1024 but unfortunately i play Half-Life 2 in 1024 by 768 so the image is in 1024 by 768 which only very slightly blurs the Half-Life 2 symbol if you have your desktop bigger 1024 by 768. You would not notice it tho if i did not tell you ![:blink:]()

If you want it at your preferred size:
1. Open Microsoft Paint, click Image->Attributes->Input the size you want.
2. Click Edit->Paste From->Browse to the image
3. Manually center it, and then save as a new file.
I think that it was a very boring wallpaper. ![:P]()
I think that it was a very boring wallpaper.
Maybe that's because it was not intended to be a wallpaper and you have bad taste
(Joke obviously)
You act like you don't understand what I meant, but you corrected the post anyway. ![:P]()
You act like you don't understand what I meant, but you corrected the post anyway.
I do know what you are talking about, thanks for pointing it out ![B)]()